Tag: 2

7.3 Great Quake Hits New Zealand; 6.4 Major Quake Hits Greece – Biden Refuses Reporters Access To Border Kids! – Prophetic News – Severe Weather Reports – And More…

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Including Severe Weather Report

**and Prophetic News**


Biden not allowing reporters to tour child migrant detention facilities

They are not only being caged and maltreated, but possibly also molested. Otherwise, why shouldn’t news reporters be allowed?

creepy bidencreepy biden kissing


President Trump’s Administration put a lot of pedophiles out of commission, including Jeffrey Epstein, but Xiden has opened the border to trap youth in cages, and not even the press can see them! Please pray for these children.

“For You have forsaken Your people, the house of Jacob, because they are satisfied from the east, and act covertly like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers (original Hebrew) they are slapping hands in compact (child trafficking!)” Isaiah 2:6 (ET – Elim אֵילִם Translation)

Amidst sexual harassment scandal, Cuomo says he ‘unintentionally’ made people uncomfortable, refuses to resign

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo admits now that he harassed women “unintentionally.” How can one sexually harass people “unintentionally?” When the liberal are guilty, they just plead ignorance!

Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent” Acts 17:30 NKJV

There won’t be an “ignorance” defense on the Day of Judgment. The Word of God has been preached in all nations.

House Democrats lower voting age to 16

They have been brainwashing children in public schools for decades, so the LLL Communist-Democrats are betting they have the votes of teens. They cant get a majority of votes among informed adults, so they are opting for kids to stay in office! That’s how they operate, and with the release of felons and allowing them to vote!

Federal judge strikes down the CDC’s lawless ban: ‘Although the COVID-19 pandemic persists, so does the Constitution’

While governors have created their own lawless edicts, like banning people from conducting business and banning citizens from going to work (to feed their families and pay rent/mortgages), the CDC has taken the law into their own hands, going so far as to ban landlords from evicting tenants, if they fail to pay their rent/mortgage. This federal judge basically told the CDC that they aren’t elected or qualified to make or enforce laws, it’s unconstitutional. Where were the just judges when people wanted to go to work to feed their families? US judges are allowing rogue governors, the CDC and other government agencies, to do whatever is detrimental to citizens; but now they are going to allow banks/landlords to evict people when they can’t pay their mortgage/rent because of arbitrary and unlawful restrictions! This is the spirit of antichrist, lawlessness, which prevails in the world today – until the Lord returns! The Word tells us,

“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day (the return of the Lord) will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction” 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (NIV)

“For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the *one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way” 2 Thessalonians 2:7 (NIV) *That would be us, the church, the bride of Christ (Matthew 25:1-13).

This means that without the prayers of the saints to hinder the antichrist, the world would already be in the great tribulation. As soon as we are gone, all hell is going to break loose on the inhabitants of the earth.

US Supreme Court 1935 Washington, DC, USA

Supreme Court rejects Sidney Powell’s lawsuits challenging election results in Arizona and Wisconsin

“’The petitions for writs of mandamus are denied,’ the court stated, providing no further details about its rejection,” DC Clothesline

The reason the court provided “no further details,” no explanation, obviously, is because they have no explanation, other than they are going to continue with their antichrist lawlessness and fraud to meet with their LLL Communist agenda. Jesus said,

“For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” Matthew 24:21

By the time these sharks finish, and the Lord returns, the world will be in a state worse than the Holocaust that took place against about 6 million Jews, 11 million altogether, according to Jesus’s prophecy above. However, there will be an escape for the saints called the “catching up” or “rapture” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). Are you saved and ready to go?

50 National Guard members treated for gastrointestinal complaints after noticing their food was undercooked and contained metal shavings

It appears to be the same reason why troops are being killed here in the US, right in their own camps. They are being targeted and killed in their own country, while the LLLs have stolen the election by fraud. Who do you think is to blame?

“Your country is desolate; your cities are burned with fire; strangers devour your land in your presence; And it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers” Isaiah 1:7

Barack Hussein Obama brought Muslims into the US from Muslim nations and he installed aliens in our military forces. Who do you think is responsible for killing our finest troops in the Middle East and right here in America? They are the fighters for the antichrist. Who is the antichrist? The Word tells us:

“Who is a liar, but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son” 1 John 2:22

What does the Quran say about Muslims? “Allah has begotten no son,” Quran 112:1-4. In case you don’t see it yet, the antichrist is in America and he is working to destroy her from WITHIN!

The vaccine is the pandemic! 80 percent of nuns vaccinated at Kentucky convent tested positive for COVID two days later, 2 died

Update: a third nun dies. “This translates to a nearly 10 percent death rate among those vaccinated at Benedictine Sisters of St Walburg,” DC Dirty Laundry

For more on vaccine deaths visit: https://pandemic.news/


All constitute madness!

Psaki refuses to answer if Equality Act will force religious doctors to murder babies

Press Secretary Jen Psaki refuses to deny that Biden would force doctors with religious objections to perform abortions


— Julia Friedland (@JuliaFriedland) March 2, 2021

How does anyone, even a fake “president” in office by fraud, force anyone to murder babies? The doctor simply should say, “No, I won’t do it!” He/she might get fired then? Great, with a shortage of doctors all around the world, he/she walks down the street and gets another job, laying out his/her own conditions: “I don’t slaughter babies for nobody!” This is what someone with “religious objections” does amidst the antichrist regime!

“And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries (original Greek = pharmakeia = drugs) or their sexual immorality (like LGBTQ and pedophiles) or their thefts (IRS, except when they are trying to bring you into Basic Income = Communism = slavery)” Revelation 9:21


2,100 were recovered from California bunkers (see video below):

If you aren’t able to view this video here, watch it on BIT CHUTE:  https://www.bitchute.com/video/JpTliz7ofOpy/

Related article: https://bibleprophecy.wordpress.com/2020/10/04/leaked-docs-horror-in-the-united-states-and-throughout-the-world/

This is serious, folks. As outrageous as it seems, it is very real. Two senators, and the husband of Senator Nancy Schaefer, have been killed because they were investigating Child Protective Services (CPS). Black operatives make every effort to try to discredit those of us who are reporting this news. Timothy Charles Holmseth is not simply boasting about himself, as it might seem, he is rather defending himself/his credibility, because he has been harassed so much by the “deep state,” or “swamp,” as President Trump calls them.

Related articles:


Senator Nancy Schaefer: https://medicalkidnap.com/2015/04/27/senator-nancy-schaefer-did-her-fight-against-cps-corruption-cost-her-life/


Senator Linda Collins-Smith: https://medicalkidnap.com/2019/06/11/police-investigate-murder-of-former-arkansas-senator-linda-collins-smith-frequent-critic-of-cps-corruption/


Texas Satanic Temple files lawsuit demanding ‘religious right’ to sacrifice babies

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Signs Bill to Stop the Murder of Babies

We laud you, Governor!

20th Texas City Outlaws the Killing of Babies

Mayor Corey Hull led the City of Carbon to become the 20th Texas city to outlaw abortions. God bless Mayor Corey Hull and the City of Carbon, Texas, for outlawing the murder of babies!

Mark Lee Dickson is the director of Right to Life of East Texas and leader of the Sanctuary for the Unborn effort. God bless Mr Dickson and all those who work together with him to stop the murder of babies in Texas.

“On Monday, Hull put his beliefs in action by supporting the Sanctuary for the Unborn ordinance, which recognizes that unborn babies are valuable human beings who deserve to be protected under the law. It prohibits abortions within city limits and prevents abortion businesses from opening there.” Life News


Copy of my newspaper photo from The Epoch Times


Renji Hospital, China, where hundreds of transplants take place each year


The Epoch Times, by Eva Fu: A California resident said his relatives in China were involved in state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting and had asked him for patient referrals from the United States, a recent human rights report revealed. Lu Shuping, a US permanent resident originally from Shanghai, who is now past 70 years old, gave his full name in making the revelation to the New York-based nonprofit, World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), in October 2016. The human rights group did not release the interview details for four years out of concern for Lu’s safety. The older sister of Lu’s sister-in-law, Zhou Qing, worked as the director of the Shanghai Wanping Hospital in Xuhui district, according to Lu. During a trip to China in 2002, Lu recalled that Zhou, upon learning that he knew many doctors through his home renovation business in the United States, asked if he could connect her with anyone who needs an organ transplant, especially cornea, kidney, or liver. While Lu, Zhou, and her husband were sitting together one day, “her husband told me in person that she went to a military hospital to do [organ transplant surgery]. He also said that it’s quick money and the sum is quite large,” Lu told WOIPFG in an interview. “He said, ‘You should get people over from outside’ and that ‘this is in really good quality, all fresh and alive,’” Lu said.

She said anesthesia cannot be used in every place, and the area where it [the organ] is needed cannot be anesthetized. Lu Shuping, relative of Chinese doctor who conducted forced organ harvesting surgeries.

The word “alive” had puzzled Lu at the time, he said. But over the years, as he began to hear more about “live organ harvesting” in the media, he began to piece the information together. The information from Lu adds to a growing pile of evidence pointing to a massive “on-demand” organ industry, where prisoners of conscience, such as practitioners of the faith group Falun Gong, are killed for their organs, which are sold for profit for use in transplant surgery. Adherents of Falun Gong have been a target for severe persecution since 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party mobilized its entire security apparatus to eradicate the discipline. Millions of Adherents were arrested and thrown into labor camps, prisons, psychiatric wards and other detention facilities. In 2019, a London-based people’s tribunal concluded a year-long investigations that there was clear evidence of forced organ harvesting having taken place “on a significant scale,” and that imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners are likely “the principal source.” Zhou, the Shanghai doctor, had performed several organ removal surgeries, but later stopped due to fear, Lu said. “She said that she was having nightmares for doing this,” Lu said. Lu prodded his sister-in-law, Zhou Yu, to reveal more details about what she knew of her sister’s work. She relayed that when Zhou Qing performed the operations, people who were not sedated “would scream with all their might in sheer agony.” “She said anesthesia cannot be used in every place, and the area where it [the organ] is needed cannot be anesthetized,” Zhou said. “The fresher and the less anesthetized, the better. The quality is guaranteed, you can be rest assured,” he recalled his sister-in-law telling him. These people “kept saying ‘Falun Dafa is Good’ when they first went in [for surgery],” the sister-in-law told him. A total of three to five people, including armed police and military doctors, were usually present in the operation room. “She said that money is not that easy to make,” Lu said, adding that Zhou Yu repeatedly told him not to ever mention this information to others. Zhou’s account is eerily similar to information form whistleblowers such as Annie and Peter, who first approached The Epoch Times in 2006 with information about organ harvesting in China, drawing international attention over the issue. Annie, whose ex-husband was a neurosurgeon in Liaoning Province of northeastern China, said her husband removed corneas from Falun Gong practitioners who were still alive at the time of surgery. The victims’ bodies were then thrown into incinerators after surgery.

*The removal of corneas does not result in death, not immediately. These pitiful victims, after suffering unimaginable pain from having their corneas removed without anesthetic, were then also likely thrown alive into incinerators!*

In 2009, a man who was working at the police bureau in Liaoning at the time, recounted in vivid detail how he witnessed two military surgeons cut open a middle-aged Falun Gong practitioner who was still alive to extract her organs. While China claims that it has been sourcing all organs through voluntary donations since 2015; WOIPFG, in an investigation from 2015 to 2020, has gotten doctors, including those from Shanghai, to admit on record to using Falun Gong practitioners’ organs in transplant surgeries. Eight doctors from various Shanghai hospitals promised in phone calls short waiting times, from “immediate” to “one to two months.” While according to official data, Shanghai received a total of 400 organ donations from August 2013 to August 2017. The city’s Renji Hospital alone boasted that it conducted over 800 liver transplant surgeries in the year 2017, which Chinese media said has “created the world’s highest annual liver transplant record for one institution. In Shanghai’s Pudong area, around a dozen practitioners recently reported that police officers have arrived at their homes and forcibly entered to draw samples of their blood, at times threatening arrest if they don’t cooperate. Experts said these could potentially be used for organ matching.


Communist China’s President Xi and US Communist President (by fraud) Xiden

Pedo-Joe is very friendly with the Chinese. In fact, he makes a lot of money from China. He isn’t ignorant of the fact that people are cut up alive, without anesthetic – SEVERELY TORTURED – for their organs and tossed in the incinerators! I say the American people should jet him to Shanghai and not let him return, and bring President Donald Trump back to the White House, who actually won the US Presidential election!

Do you remember a time, if you are old enough, when Americans were appalled at the rate of forced unborn baby killing in China? Now, American butchers (called doctors) are killing babies AFTER THEY ARE BORN ALIVE – FULL TERM! We need to jet Planned Parenthood to Shanghai too!

“A righteous man regards the life of his beast; but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel” Proverbs 12:10

Supreme Court slaps down California County’s ban on indoor church services! 

At least some courts are still upholding our Constitutional rights. Who can fight against God? The Word tells us:

“And I say also unto you, that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” Matthew 16:18

Justice Clarence Thomas slams the Supreme Court of the United States for not taking Pennsylvania election fraud case: ‘We failed’

God destroyed ancient Israel for their gross sins. Know of a certainty that God will also judge corrupt US judges and politicians!

Woe to this filthy, polluted, and oppressive city! It won’t obey anyone. It won’t accept discipline. It does not trust in the Lord. It does not approach God. Its national officials are roaring lions; its judges are like wolves of the night that don’t leave the bones for the morning” Zephaniah 3:1-3 ISV

Andrew Cuomo sent over 9K COVID patients to nursing homes, killing 15K+ Seniors

That’s what LLL Communist-Democrats do to cull populations!

California introduces bill to decriminalize psychedelic drugs

The report linked above provides zero statistical information on just how many kids and adults have already lost their minds on such drugs, not to mention the outrageous number of deaths. They don’t care. The LLL Communist-Democrats are on a spree to destroy and kill these people, as part of their globalist depopulation agenda. The Word confirms the same:

“And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries (original Greek = pharmakeia = drugs) or their sexual immorality or their thefts” Revelation 9:21

New Jersey legalizes marijuana

ALL GENDER RESTROOMS compliancesigns

New York University asked students to identify as one of at least 30 genders

Abominations are rising in the last days, as prophesied:

“Because when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, to birds, fourfooted beasts and creeping things. Therefore, God gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their bodies between themselves, who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature (mankind) more than the Creator, Who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause, God gave them up to vile affections, for even their women did change the natural use (of men) into that which is against nature; and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working that which is indecent, receiving the recompense of their deception, which is mandatory (like AIDS). And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful; who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in those who also do such things” Romans 1:21-32 (ET – Elim אֵילִם Translation)

Invasion of locusts of ‘Biblical’ proportions set to cause widespread famine in Horn of Africa

“Nearly 700 million people were suffering from hunger late last year,” UN World Food Program (WFP). Imagine what the situation will be like when the locusts are finished. “130 million additional people risk being pushed to the brink of starvation by the end of the year,” WFP.

Jesus said famine would come at the time of his return:

“Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom (Greek transliteration – ethnos eppa ethnos – ethnic groups against ethnic groups; basileia eppa basileia – religion against religion, as in Muslims against Christians), and there will be famines, pestilences (like coronavirus) and earthquakes in diverse places” Matthew 24:7 (ET – Elim אֵילִם Translation)


Nevertheless, Jesus said,

“Then He (Jesus) said to them, ‘But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one’” Luke 22:36

Jesus said this because martyrdom is elective, not mandatory, and especially those with wives and children need to know that you are responsible for protecting them, even if you have no inclination to protect yourself. Consider the Holocaust and the Jews: The Jews were not incinerated in ovens and their wives and children raped and tortured in medical experiments until after their guns were confiscated. LEARN FROM JESUS and LEARN FROM THE JEWS – NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS, EVEN IF IT MEANS WAR, EVEN IF WE DIE FIGHTING, AT LEAST WE GO OUT PROTECTING OUR FAMILIES AND OURSELVES AGAINST TREASONOUS KILLERS!

Contact the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) for more information: https://cspoa.org/



UK reports over 200 deaths shortly after COVID vaccine

Dr Sherri Tenpenny: The FDA has broken the law at least twice concerning COVID injections

Dirty Vaccines: Allergies and systemic disorders on the rise due to corrupted inoculations

Experimental Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines leave 5 people BLIND and cause 600 cases of eye disorders in the UK

If the people weren’t such “sheeple,” they could avoid such tragedies by just saying NO! Governments have given immunity to these drug companies, knowing full well they maim and kill people. Why do they do that? The government approves of the maiming and killing! They believe you are “useless eaters” and they want you dead! They have a depopulation agenda going on. See the Georgia Guidestones first tenet: Keep the population under 500,000,000 (that means they want about 98 percent of us dead!)

Coronavirus vaccines contain aborted human fetal (BABY) tissue – right on the label!


Award-winning scientist says coronavirus was created at Wuhan lab

“A summary outlining Wiesendanger’s key points highlights the fact that the host of COVID-19 still has not been identified, even though it ‘couple[s] surprisingly well to human cell receptors.’ It also explains that the Wuhan lab: ‘… carried out genetic manipulations on coronaviruses for many years with the aim of making them more contagious, dangerous and deadly for humans,’” Pandemic.news

This is a fulfillment of prophecy. See the Creating Human Abominations Diseases In Labs prophecy: https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/05/15/5-15-19-update-creating-human-abominations-diseases-in-labs/

Plandemic:  https://healthimpactnews.com/2020/plandemic-full-feature-film-released-online-amidst-tremendous-opposition-and-attempts-to-censor-it/

Professor at Johns Hopkins University says you may be getting vaccine by ‘star shaped microdevices’ secretly administered in PCR tests

You can’t trust the government and you definitely can’t trust Big Pharma. If you aren’t trusting in God for your health, you are VULNERABLE!

The Word tells us prophetically,

“And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries (original Greek = pharmakeia = drugs) or their sexual immorality or their thefts” Revelation 9:21

Doctors around the world issue dire warning: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!

Dr David Martin on Experimental mRNA COVID vaccines: This is NOT a vaccine; it is a medical device! https://medicalkidnap.com/2021/01/13/dr-david-martin-on-experimental-mrna-covid-vaccines-this-is-not-a-vaccine-it-is-a-medical-device/


Vaccine whistleblower found dead: https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/12/18/vaccine-whistleblower-brandy-vaughan-found-dead-inside-her-own-home-as-police-open-investigation/ 


Autism increases 300 percent for neonates receiving Hep B vaccination

Police take newborn after mother refuses Hep B vaccination

This mother’s lawyer filed suit and her baby was later returned to her, but who wants to go through such hell? Something has to be done about Big Pharma and their deadly dictatorship over the masses to cull populations. I suggest attorneys form a task force to gather all the incriminating evidence and begin putting the vaccine corporations OUT OF BUSINESS, like a “cease and desist” injunction. Suing for monetary awards alone does nothing to help humanity, which they are destroying incrementally.

This is my “healthcare insurance:”

“He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed” Isaiah 53:5

He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed of your affliction'” Mark 5:34

*It is imperative to have faith (without wavering – James 1:6-8) to see such miracles happen. The Word tells us that faith must be built up (Jude 1:20) through the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2), prayer (Jude 1:20) and by reading/hearing God’s Holy Word (Romans10:17). ** If you have children, “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16). You may need to find a holistic Christian doctor and pray over your children diligently. You don’t want to have your children taken by “CPS” for not providing them “medical care.” They give children over to the care of pedophiles and child sex traffickers! https://medicalkidnap.com/2019/08/15/pedophiles-continue-to-be-licensed-as-foster-parents-in-the-u-s-to-meet-the-demand-for-child-sex-slaves/; http://medicalkidnap.com/2016/04/15/the-u-s-foster-care-system-modern-day-slavery-and-child-trafficking/; http://medicalkidnap.com/2016/02/25/child-kidnapping-and-trafficking-a-lucrative-u-s-business-funded-by-taxpayers/

*Special Message To the Saints of God, Trump Supporters, the Faithful: It’s not over, and remember, God has the last Word!

“Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are his, and he changes the times and the seasons; he removes kings, and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those who understand; He reveals the deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him. I thank You, and praise You, oh God of my fathers, Who has given me wisdom and might, and has made known unto me now what we desired of You, for You have now made known to us the king’s matter” Daniel 2:20-23


Streamlabs deletes conservatives account without explanation

Anyone who doesn’t approve of the LLL Communist-Democratic position is vulnerable, especially Christians. The Word tells us this would happen:

I must do the works of Him Who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work” John 9:4

The word “night” in this instance means spiritual darkness and censorship. If you have a social media website and you can witness for the Lord, I strongly suggest that you use it as quickly as you can and “redeem the time” (Ephesians 5:16), while you are able to do so.

US government working with Big Tech to censor anything that exposes the truth about vaccines

“We are talking to them… so they understand the importance of misinformation and disinformation and how they can get rid of it quickly”-RT

You Tube censors all videos from an academic conference on the ‘dangers of censorship’

This massive censorship is a fulfillment of prophecy. See the Massive Internet Censorship prophecy: https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/04/22/update-4-22-19/

Actor Kevin Sorbo’s Facebook account removed by Facebook

Twitter permanently suspends Project Veritas for exposing censorship

Instagram banned Robert F Kennedy Jr because of his vax facts…

You know, the deaths, disabilities; ingredients like formaldehide, insect cells, dog cells, insect DNA, cells of MURDERED BABIES, sterilization hormone HCG, pig gelitin, doused with excessive mercury, heavy metals, rust, glass, aluminum

Big Brother is spying on you in thousands of ways

COVID detainment facilities were a ‘conspiracy theory’ three months ago, not anymore!

MASSIVE CENSORSHIP CONTINUES: I received an email update from The Epoch Times stating their reporters have been arrested by the Chinese Communist Party; their printing press was set on fire in Hong Kong; their You Tube channel was demonitized; and their content has been censored by Big Tech in the US, as we are already aware

This massive censorship is a fulfillment of prophecy. See the Massive Internet Censorship prophecy: https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/04/22/update-4-22-19/

Jesus said,

I must do the works of Him Who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work” John 9:4

Are you distressed about the world’s events and the pestilence? You don’t need to be. When Jesus paid the penalty for our sins, He also took upon Himself our sorrows and griefs, and He gives us peace. If you are a servant of the Most High God, these promises announced by the prophet Isaiah hundreds of years before Jesus came to earth, all belong to you:

“Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed” Isaiah 53:4-5



Arizona arrests 37 suspects tied to child sex crimes and human trafficking

7 charged in Itasca County human trafficking operation

6 arrests involved crimes against minors

450 arrested, dozens rescued in California crackdown on human trafficking

While these arrests are made, continuing with President Trump’s policies, it’s tragic that Biden is now at the other end of the nation signing Executive Orders to ensure that more human traffickers, with more victims in tow, can get through our southern border!

Mexican journalist exposes Pedo-Joe for signing compact that created influx of child trafficking, immigrant children in cages

Rampant pedophilia, kidnapping torture and murder of children!

Parents, watch your children like guardian angels! Don’t allow them to leave home alone – ever. More than 2,000 children are kidnapped (also tortured and murdered) in the United States every single day, 1 EVERY 40 SECONDS! (source: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children [US Department of Justice reports]).

“For You have forsaken Your people, the house of Jacob, because they are satisfied from the east, and act covertly like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers (original Hebrew) they are slapping hands in compact (child trafficking!)” Isaiah 2:6 (ET – Elim אֵילִם Translation)

Missing Children Stats: About 800,000 children are reported missing each year, more than 2,000 kidnapped every single day, 1 EVERY 40 SECONDS! (source: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children [US Department of Justice reports]).

Before a minute goes by, another child is kidnapped!

Watch your children like an angel, friends. The Finders make it their business to track children and find vulnerabilities in order to snatch them from you. Many have been purchased by pedophiles, others have been tortured and killed for adrenochrome. Be diligent, yes, be OVERPROTECTIVE in this corrupt, evil generation

eSign the Moral Outcry Petition to Reverse Roe v. Wade: 


Homeschooling more than doubles during pandemic

Parents, now is an excellent time to remove your children from the tutelage of liberal teachers and their Socialist curriculum, not to mention the X-rated sex “education!” (See the Home Education page for more information [bottom of page])

If you need assistance, contact the Home School Legal Defense Association (https://hslda.org). You can secure protection of your right to homeschool, receive answers to your questions, receive help selecting curriculum, and more, for as little as $12 a month (https://hslda.org/join)

“And you shall teach them (God’s laws) diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up” Deuteronomy 6:7

“It is vain for you to rise up early (to worry), to sit up late (to worry), to eat the bread of sorrows, for so He gives His beloved sleep” Psalm 127:2

Release all of your cares to God, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7)

Pastor John Kilpatrick’s Vision and Dream

In 2008, Pastor John Kilpatrick had a vision, then a dream, of a violent earthquake. I also had a dream of a violent earthquake on October 9, 2011, very violent. The Lord has given us both prophetic messages many times. God gives plenty of notice/warning when something catastrophic is going to happen, so His people can prepare and pray. John Paul Jackson, Perry Stone and I have all had visions/dreams of great tsunamis hitting the East and West Coasts of the United States. The Word of God tells us,

“…In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established” 2 Corinthians 13:1

“…Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” Matthew 10:16


During the aftermath of a catastrophic earthquake, tsunami or an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack, or even after a severe weather event, electricity, gas and water may not be available for weeks, or even months. BE PREPARED.

  • Man can survive several weeks without food, but only a few days without water. Store water in clean containers (general rule: a gallon of water per day, per person [half gallon for drinking; half gallon for emergency hygiene), enough for at least two weeks. Purchase a LifeStraw, if possible, or keep bleach on hand to sanitize stale water (8 drops per gallon / 2 drops per quart recommended)
  • Store enough nonperishable food to last at least two weeks
  • Blankets cannot keep you warm in freezing weather because freezing air seeps through the unstitched layers. Purchase a thermal sleeping bag for each member of your family
  • Keep matches, or other igniting tool on hand, candles, crank flashlight (C Crane’s crank-charging radio [link below] includes a crank flashlight) and/or flashlight and batteries
  • Keep outdoor cooking supplies on hand
  • Crank radio, with cell phone charge capability, if possible (C Crane has great options)
  • Keep bicycle(s) on hand, with a manual air pump for tires (an EMP attack destroys car batteries, unless they are protected by a Faraday cage. Other catastrophes may disable your vehicles)
  • Keep a tent on hand, in the event of structural damage to your home
  • Keep a supply of clothing available for extreme cold/heat

Biden undoes Trump order protecting US power grid from China

Why would any “president” in his right mind undo a previous order protecting our power grid? There can only be one answer, which we are already aware of. Biden sold out America to the Chinese before his fraudulent “election” and he is deliberately handing our power grid vulnerability over to the ENEMY for financial gain! Biden, as Obama did, wants to take America down to the level of a third world country. That’s what Communists do.


Locusts are decimating Ethiopia’s food supply

New Discovery: Space hurricane above the North Pole

ISS Mystery: Bermuda Triangle of space caused astronauts’ computers to crash

Unusual lava flow found in Himachal Pradesh, India

Drought causes drinking water shortage in Southern and Eastern China

This is a fulfillment of prophecy. See the Drought prophecy dated 12/3/18: https://nowprophecy.wordpress.com/signs-and-wonders-in-heaven-and-earth/

Astronomers find bright thermal imaging signal coming from habitable planet zone

Somalia declares state of emergency with new locust invasion; infestation continues in Saudi Arabia

Large sinkholes are still opening in Petrinja, Croatia

Locust swarms of Biblical proportions hit Horn of Africa and Saudi Arabia

Signals catch rare ‘musical note’ from magnetosphere over Norway

Large waterspout spins near coast of Central Java, Indonesia

Scientists say Earth is spinning faster than it has since record-keeping

Scientists report that since 2020, a full day is taking less than 24 hours. They found that the earth is spinning faster! July 19, 2020, was the shortest day since record-keeping began 50 years ago. They also predict that 2021 will even be shorter.

This is what Jesus said about the last days:

“Except those days should be shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened” Matthew 24:22

And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven” Luke 21:11


Deadly snowfall leaves 94 injured and hundreds of cars trapped in South Korea

Severe flooding damages roads and hundreds of homes in Northern Morocco

The Word tells us concerning His indignation in the latter days:

“Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one (storm), which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with His hand” Isaiah 28:2

“The anger of the Lord shall not return, until He has executed it and until He has performed the thoughts of his heart; in the latter days you shall consider it perfectly” Jeremiah 23:20

It infuriates the Lord when evil men/women slaughter unborn babies, babies born alive, and when they torture and kill children for their blood; while legislators and law enforcement agencies do little to nothing about it, some even participating in such abominations! He will afflict the inhabitants of the earth, until He returns for those who have repented and received His redemption. In the meantime, the faithful saints of God can dwell in “Goshen,” (Exodus 8:22; Exodus 9:26) under His hand of protection, if they pray for it and obey the Lord.



Image credit: Weibo

Fireball moves slowly over the United Kingdom

Bright blue fireball flies over Mallorca, Spain

Bright fireball streaks across Alberta, Canada

We are seeing more and more of these fireballs throughout the world, some of which have not been identified.

The Word tells us concerning the last days:

“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven” Luke 21:11 NKJV


Code Red: Major eruption at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia, ash up to 12.2 km (40,000 feet)

Flank eruption at Klyuchevskoy volcano, Kamchatka, Russia

Italy’s Etna volcano emits powerful eruption, lava to 1,000 m (3,300 ft)

Italy’s Etna volcano explodes, Code Red

Philippines Taal volcano eruptions bring forced evacuations

Unusual lava flow found in Himachal Pradesh, India

Raung volcano eruptions continue, Indonesia, ash to 5.5 km (18,000 ft)

Increased explosions at Pacaya volcano, Guatemala

We have seen a record-breaking number of volcano eruptions in recent years and we will see more, as we near the return of the Lord. This is Bible prophecy:

“And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire and vapor of smoke” Acts 2:19


NEW ZEALAND - 3-4-21

Screen shot:  USGS

A 7.3 great quake hit east of the North Island, New Zealand, on March 4, 2021, at 1327 UTC, at a depth of 10 km / 6 mi, reported the NWS PTWC.

The PTWC issued a Tsunami Threat Message on March 4, 2021, at 1334 UTC.

2 NEW ZEALAND - 3-4-21

Screen shot: NWS PTWC

GREECE - 3-3-21

Screen shot:  USGS

A 6.4 major quake hits Greece on March 3, 2021, at 10:16:16 UTC, reported LDEO.

2 GREECE - 3-3-21

Screen shot: LDEO

1,429 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 2,919 days. Among these were 146 7.0+ and 14 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: CSEM-EMSC; Geoscience Australia; USGS; National Weather Service [NWS]; NWS National Tsunami Warning Service; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center [PTWC]; NOAA/United States Tsunami Warning System [NOAA/USTWS]; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University; BMKG [Indonesia]; Japan Meteorological Agency [JMA])


1-19 earthquakes

Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns,

“Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; the Star of Bethlehem and the Virgo and Leo lineup of stars over Jerusalem on September 23, 2017) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. God bless you with the Light of the world.

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