Tag: Meretz MK Mossi Raz

Abbas Supports Tripartite Confederation with Israel and Jordan

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Screen shot: YouTube.com – Peace Now Director Shaqued Morag with PA President Mahmoud Abbas, September 2, 2018


The US State Department announced over the weekend that the US will cease funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas complained that the US is determined to “completely destroy UNRWA,” which he said provides aid to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, during his meeting with Peace Now Director Shaqued Morag, Meretz MK Mossi Raz (a former Peace Now Director), and Zionist Union MK Ksenia Svetlova, who all met with Abbas on Sunday in Ramallah.

Protesters will be quick to say the Palestinians will starve and languish because of President Trump; they will trash him miserably over this withdrawal from UNRWA.

The Palestinians’ oil rich brothers could stop funding quite so much terrorism throughout the world and give a little “Sadaqah” (Arab word for charity) to their fellow Muslims. They would perhaps let them die first. Nothing takes away from their “jihad” (“holy war” = terror) money.

Those who have been supporting Palestinians from non-Muslim nations have to keep supporting them, or they all might just drop dead. Muslims aren’t going to give up their jihad/terror money for anything, because the Quran demands it (Quran 2:224, 2:216, 3:56, 3:151, 4:74, 4:76…there are over 100 verses promoting jihad = terror).

Finally, we have a president in America who is able to think logically and rationally. That comes by the power of Almighty God, Whose name President Trump glorifies – publicly – unlike any president before him. That’s why he steps out of the puppet-president mold, friends, and that’s exactly why the LLL Democrats hate him.

Abbas told Morag that US administration officials Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt asked him recently about his opinion of a “confederation with Jordan,” reported The Times of Israel. “I said, Yes, I want a three-way confederation with Jordan and Israel. I asked them if the Israelis would agree to such a proposal.”

Now that the money is leaving, it seems Abbas has suddenly changed his mind about not agreeing to peace proposals – without two states!

President Donald Trump is most capable of making a deal, as he stated frequently during his presidential campaign.

Many followers of Bible prophecy are looking for the prophetic and monumental seven-year peace treaty (Daniel 9:27) to begin between a Muslim leader and Israel, which will mark the beginning of the seven-year (Biblical “week”) great tribulation. Historically, battling nations have made peace agreements after wars conclude; but they have also been signed before wars get started.

God’s watchmen are also looking for signs of the commencement of the Gog Magog War against Israel (Ezekiel 38), instigated by the north country (Russia today), allied with Persia (Iran today), Libya and the ancient area of Ethiopia (which compassed a greater area than Ethiopia covers today).

The Times of Israel reported that Jordan’s King Abdullah recently warned Trump about the possibility of a one-state solution, according to a Channel 10 report last month, citing French sources.

“Many young Palestinians don’t want a two-state solution anymore, but would rather live together with Israelis in one state with equal rights for all…The result will be that Israel will lose its Jewish character,” Abdullah reportedly told Trump. Trump reportedly then replied, “What you say makes sense…the prime minister of Israel in a few years will be called Mohammed.”

Actually, he is called the antichrist (three and a-half years into the great tribulation – Daniel 9:27).

If that sounds funny, know this, that is exactly the antichrist’s tactic. He plans to entice Israel into such a community with the “people of death” (Isaiah 28:15-18).

Albeit, God Himself has a Final Solution of sorts already planned (Zechariah 14) for His beguiled people.

“The Lord shall be King over all the earth (when He returns with His saints to fight the Battle of Armageddon). In that day there shall be one Lord and His name shall be one…Jerusalem shall be raised up and inhabited in her place from Benjamin’s Gate to the place of the First Gate and the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananeel to the king’s winepress. The people shall dwell in it and no longer shall there be utter destruction, but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited” Zechariah 14:9-11.

“And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet; their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths” Zechariah 14:12.

The Jewish Prophet Zechariah described the effects of a neutron bomb thousands of years ago. Does that not intrigue you?

God also gave the neutron bomb formula to a Jew, Samuel T Cohen, in 1958, just 10 years after Israel became a nation again! God’s timing is relevant in all respects.

That is God Almighty; the epitome of love, taking the penalty for our sins at the cross; yet the epitome of wrath – when people just won’t listen!

The point here is that according to all of the latter day prophecies combined, we are on the cusp of eternity, folks, and the world’s cup of iniquity is overflowing.

Don’t be deceived by peace agreements; get right with God while there is still an opportunity. Read God’s Holy Word and find out for yourself how prophecies thousands of years old have been fulfilled, hundreds of them, and see how some should be fulfilled shortly, according to the prophetic signs detailed in God’s Holy Word.

“When they shall say, Peace and Safety, then sudden destruction will come upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape” 1 Thessalonians 5:3

Salvation is offered to everyone who repents of sin and receives Jesus as their Lord and Savior; unless a person crosses a line with God, to the point of becoming reprobate (Romans 1:21-32). Now is the time of salvation for everyone; tomorrow, or even the next hour, could be too late.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

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