Tag: Poland

Prophecy Fulfilled In Spain – 9,300 Lightning Strikes In 6 Hours

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Screen shot: YouTube.com

On April 4, 2019, the Lord showed me “unusual swarms of lightning” and I entered that prophecy on the more recent Signs and Wonders In Heaven and Earth website (https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/04/04/4-4-19-update/). 

Since that time, the prophecy has actually been fulfilled in Florida, Poland, the North Pole and now Spain, at least these areas, if not more. I report the fulfillment of prophecy as I run across the news, generally during unrelated researches; so the Lord brings me to the fulfillment of prophecy, so I can record it and, thereby, glorify Him.

I decided to publish this prophecy from the Signs and Wonders In Heaven and Earth website after noticing this morning that 9,300 lightning strikes were recorded in Spain within a six-hour timespan! I copied the prophecy and fulfillment below:


Screen shot: YouTube.com

4/4/19:  The Lord showed me there will be unusual swarms of lightning. In that I saw the sign of lightning in the east, and in the west, this can also allude to His soon return.


Spain’s AEMET (meteorological agency) records 9,300 lightning strikes in 6 hours during severe hailstorm/flash flooding:  https://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2019-08-27/world-news/Watch-Massive-storm-in-Madrid-causes-flash-flooding-and-road-closures-6736212710https://watchers.news/2019/08/27/madrid-hailstorm-august-27-2019/

Lightning strikes kill four, more than 100 injured in Poland:  https://watchers.news/2019/08/23/four-killed-more-than-100-injured-after-thunderstorm-hits-tatra-mountains-poland/

Unusual swarms of lightning in Florida – 8 people injured by lightning on the beach; 4 others injured by unrelated lightning strikes:  https://abcnews.go.com/US/injured-lightning-strikes-florida-beach/story?id=64475251&cid=referral_taboola_feed   

Unusual swarms of lightning – Rare lightning strikes recorded near North Pole: https://watchers.news/2019/08/15/lightning-strikes-north-pole-august-2019/

Prophecy is given, not to draw attention to the prophet, but to glorify God, who gives the prophetic vision/Word. God knows the future and when He reveals the future to His servants, people should be able to comprehend that the fulfillment of prophecies, with 100 percent accuracy, is astronomically improbable and that God has revealed His secrets, so believe in Him! Believe in His Word! He is real and His Word is True!

We are living in the last days, friends. Call it global warming, climate change, a 1,000-year event, whatever you want to call it; but storms are raging and climate is extreme in every hemisphere of the earth right now, because the Word of God (thousands of years ago) records it, that it will come to pass in the latter days.

Evil abounds, just as Jesus said it would, and we are living under pretribulation warnings.

The warning is this:  Sinner beware and repent! Repent and prepare your soul to stand before God, because Judgment Day is soon coming! There is no reprieve if you end up in hell – you will be there forever if you don’t repent and stop perpetrating evil. On the other hand, if you repent of your sins (we have all sinned) and commit your ways to God, He will forgive and enter your name in the Book of Life!

“And the Lord shall cause His glorious voice to be heard and shall show the lighting down His arm, with the indignation of His anger and with the flame of a devouring fire, with scattering, tempest and hailstones” Isaiah 30:30

Jesus said,

“Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” Matthew 24:12

“For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man (Jesus) be” Matthew 24:27

Salvation is offered to everyone who repents of sin and receives Jesus as their Lord and Savior, unless a person crosses a line with God, to the point of becoming reprobate, having no conscience (Romans 1:21-32; Hebrews 6:4-6). Now is the time of salvation for everyone; tomorrow, or even the next hour, could be too late.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

“The Spirit and the bride say, Come; and let him who hears say, Come; and let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely” Revelation 22:17

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. God bless you with the Light of the world.

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Poland Criminalizes Holocaust Speech

Drone shows Auschwitz death camp in Poland


Poland has just criminalized speech that implicates Poles as participants in the Holocaust genocide of Jews.

The new law took effect on Thursday, after Poland’s President Andrzej Duda signed it; however, it will not be enforced until the constitutional court reviews it.

Constitutional court? What kind of constitution does a nation have when their president signs a bill that states, in part:

“A person who publicly and against all evidence attributes to the Polish people, or the state, responsibility or co-responsibility for the violent crimes committed by the Third Reich…will face a penalty of a fine, or imprisonment of up to three years.”

When the people can’t speak without threat of fine, prosecution and detention for up to three years, don’t we call that a Liberal-Progressive-Socialist-Marxist-Leninist-Communist regime full of Liberal Luciferian Lunatics?

Perhaps Andrzej Duda should have tea with Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Before they settle in for tea, Doodie, or rather Duda, should consider what prominent Polish historian Barbara Engelking has to say about the Poles and the Holocaust.

Engelking wrote a book in 2011, “Such a Beautiful Sunny Day,” wherein she details dozens of cases of Poles shooting Jews, raping Jewish women and killing Jews with axes, shovels and rocks.

Engelking wrote,

“Polish peasants were volunteers in the sphere of murdering Jews.”

The title of her book comes from the last words of a Jew pleading with Poles to spare his life before he was beaten and shot to death.

Engelking said she has no fear of exposing the truth.

“People think I should be afraid, but I am not. I have a sense now of inner freedom and they cannot harm me in any way. Let them try…”

There is also historian Jan Grabowski, who discovered that many Jews hiding from the Nazis were slaughtered by their Polish neighbors. He also published a book, “Hunt for the Jews…”

Grabowski, a graduate of Warsaw University, is the son of a Holocaust survivor. He is currently a professor at the University of Ottawa. Although he has received death threats, he fervently works at exposing the truth about everyone who participated in killing Jews in Poland.

So, Duda insists it is illegal to say any Poles took part in the Holocaust, does he?

“Poles killed Jews, Poles axed Jews, Poles raped Jews, Poles raped and axed Jews, Poles stoned Jews, Poles robbed and killed Jews; Poles beat and shot Jews, one in particular who cried out for his life, and said, “It’s such a beautiful sunny day…” only to be beaten half to death and then shot by Polish citizens!”

Come and arrest me, Doodie!

There were 12 concentration camps in Poland during World War II (with 48 sub-camps to Auschwitz) and 7 camps were used for exterminating Jews. In fact, all of the extermination camps were located in Poland, except two. An estimated 2,881,173 souls were killed in Polish death camps, which is nearly half of the entire number of Jews killed during World War II anywhere in Europe!

Some Jews, who returned to Poland after the war, after nearly suffering death in the camps, were killed by Poles when they returned home, no Germans around!

The Word of God tells us,

“The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness” Romans 1:18.

“The Lord hates these six things; yes, and seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaks lies and he who sows discord among the brethren” Proverbs 6:16-19.

“It is appointed unto men to die once, but after this the judgment” Hebrews 9:27.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. God bless you with the Light of the world.

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Super Quakes Coming…


Screen shot: YouTube.com – Chile earthquake


Scientists predict a huge surge in great earthquakes this coming year. They say the earth’s rotation is slowing, which will cause a greater number high magnitude quakes.

Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado and Rebecca Bendick with the University of Montana said they looked at earthquakes of magnitude 7 and greater, which have occurred since 1900. They found there were periods of around five years when the earth’s rotation slowed several times over the past century and a-half. During these periods, the number of high magnitude earthquakes increased.

Bilham said,

“Next year we should see a significant increase in numbers of severe earthquakes. We had it easy this year. So far, we have only had about six severe earthquakes. We could easily have 20 a year starting in 2018.”

Scientists are only now confirming what the ancient prophets and Christ Himself foretold long ago. Jesus said concerning the time of His return,

“Nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be earthquakes in diverse places and there shall be famines and troubles; these are the beginnings of sorrows” Mark 13:8 (emphasis added).

When earthquakes increase in frequency and intensity in various places throughout the world, this is when sorrows will certainly begin, according to this prophecy given by Christ about 2,000 years ago.

Famines are also increasing globally, although you won’t hear much about that from propagandized major news outlets in America.

Since President Donald Trump officially announced that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, the antichrist kingdom has gone berserk and we also see an increase in “nations rising against nations.”

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

In the year 1620, the persecution of Protestants by the Catholic Church increased against the Albigenses, and the Pope gave express orders that the laity should not be permitted to read the sacred scriptures. In 1648, a heavy persecution raged throughout Lithuania and Poland. The cruelty of the Cossacks was so excessive that the Tartars themselves were ashamed of their barbarities. Among those who suffered was Adrian Chalinski, who was roasted alive by a slow fire, and whose sufferings and mode of death may depict the horrors which the professors of Christianity have endured from the enemies of the Redeemer.

Excerpts taken from Fox’s Book of Martyrs – Zondervan Publishing House (1926)

The Catholic Church has never issued an apology for the crimes committed during the Inquisition and the brutal murders of Protestant Christians who denounced Papal authority, denied Purgatory, the selling of indulgences in sin, worship of idols, prayers to the saints and the Virgin Mary. Neither has any reparation been made to the heirs of the saints who suffered such persecutions from the Catholic Church. Protestants were brutally murdered by Catholics in the way of burning them alive at the stake, flaying alive, hangings, cutting them to pieces, burying them alive, drowning, torturing them on the rack, whereby bones were broken and bodies ripped apart, etc… The property and assets were seized of those heinously murdered by the Catholic Church from the Twelfth Century through about the 1820s. The Vatican sits atop the blood of the saints (read Revelation 18 to understand her brutal end for heresies and having committed such crimes).

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. God bless you with the Light of the world.

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