Tag: séances

Opening Spiritual Portals


Owners of Amazon Alexa, an artificial intelligence device, have reported the machine is emitting “bone chilling” laughs and ignores commands.


One user reportedly tried to turn the lights off in their home, but Alexa repeatedly turned the lights back on, eventually uttering an “evil laugh,” reported BuzzFeed.

Another person reportedly told Alexa to turn off the morning alarm and she laughed like a witch!

“Amazon has admitted that its Echo devices are emitting horrifying, creepy laughs,” reported Independent.co.uk.

Amazon promised to fix the devices, but in the meantime some owners are so terrified of Alexa’s responses, they lost sleep and had to unplug the thing.

If you know anything about the spiritual realm, you already know there are devices, since ancient times, that open portals to spirits, evil spirits.

Let’s look at how to contact God first:

In God’s realm, prayer and devotion gets His attention. This is outlined clearly in His Word:

“You are holy, oh You who inhabits the praises of Israel” Psalms 22:3.

“You shall seek Me, and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:13.

Aside from praising the Lord, because He is God and worthy of all praise, the way to search for God with all of your heart is to study His Holy Word in detail, because God said He is the Word:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth” John 1:1,14.

These are the methods God has put in place for us to contact Him.

Satan has portals and certain things get his attention too!

The movie The Exorcist was based on a true story. The real event involved a boy in Maryland, given the name Roland Doe to hide his identity, who became demon possessed after using his (spiritualist) aunt’s Ouija Board in the late 1940s. It seems that not only did the devil wreak havoc on the boy, but he attacked the priests.

There have been accounts of many exorcisms throughout history, and failed exorcisms.

I prayed for a demon possessed woman, along with two godly women, and I witnessed a real exorcism. The demons came out of Joan Yost in ~1969, because those who were praying and commanding the evil spirits to leave her had been fasting and they lived holy lives. They didn’t live like the devil, yet try to perform “holy rites” in a vaulted temple wearing fancy garments.

While we were praying over Joan Yost, and commanding the devils to leave her (she had more than one devil, in fact, she had many), Joan crawled to the church door and I saw this door, without anyone touching it, crash open against the outside wall; no person touched it, and no one was near it. Joan Yost, or rather the demons inside her, crawled toward the door and it crashed open by the power of satanic spirits. She was delivered very late that night.

People who delve into mysticism, the Ouija Board, crystal balls, the occult and the like, open doors to an evil spiritual realm. There are many methods, so the bottom line is not to trifle into the devil’s business, unless you are a godly person commanding him to leave. Some of these evil spirits will not come out, except after the saint of God fasts for an appointed time.

If you don’t want to contact demons, or get possessed by them, stay away from mysticism, fortune telling, séances, Tarot cards, Ouija Boards and similar devices; cast off worldliness, excess, lying, cheating, stealing, covetousness, fornication, pornography, alcohol (which is a mocker of the Holy Ghost), drugs…all of these things are sinful and can even lead to demonic possession.


The latest advancements in mingling humanity with machines = DANGER, DANGER, DANGER!

My point here is that these activities open a portal to the satanic realm. Satan is always looking for an open door to destroy you! Opening your brain signals to machines allows satan an entryway, just as drugs and alcohol open our spirits to the satanic spiritual realm. The Word of God refers to strong drink as a mocker of the Holy Ghost, because alcohol causes one to fall into the satanic realm. God’s Holy Ghost causes one to fall into God’s Spirit, and you may feel light-headed, limp and speak in an unknown language, as God gives the utterance, described very much like drunkenness (Acts 2); but the Holy Ghost is for us; alcoholic stupors are against us – and mock the Holy Ghost.

Electrodes implanted on the brain’s surface have given monkeys and people the ability to move objects with their thoughts.

Now, we can “unplug” human/machine interface. Wired.com reported last year that microchips placed into fabric and wrapped onto the arms can detect signals being sent to the fingers from the brain, for example, while typing on a keyboard .

Thomas Reardon placed a terrycloth stretch band with microchips on his forearms. He typed on a keyboard, which naturally typed words on the computer monitor. He moved the keyboard away from his hands and continued typing on the desktop. The results were the same, however, and typed words were still being displayed on his monitor without using the keyboard, because the microchips in the fabric were picking up his brain signals to his fingers
(don’t forget about the Ouija Board, folks, portals = DANGER).

Here, again, the “signals” involve the spiritual realm. Most people in the world would balk at that conclusion; but it is true nevertheless.

The Word tells us,

“In times past, you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience” Ephesians 2:2.

Relatively few people in the world today believe the Bible anymore, but that doesn’t do away with God, His Holy Word; the devil, or the supernatural realm all around us.

The Word of God tells us,

“Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom you obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Romans 6:16.

Depending on your background, what type of portal activity you are delving into, and depending on your spiritual condition, you are quite capable of not only serving satan simply by sinning (obeying him), but you are also capable of opening a spiritual door, while you are committing those sins, which can lead to demon possession; worse yet, a reprobate mind, if you ignore the call of God too long, or step over God’s line.

The Word of God also tells us,

“He who, being often reproved, hardens his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy” Proverbs 29:1.

Some people have crossed the line with God, and then He withdraws His Spirit, never to entreat that person again, leaving them to the will of satan.

I will leave you with one final passage of scripture:

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” Ephesians 6:12.

Has the hair on the back of your neck ever stood on end? That is a tad bit of spiritual discernment that God has given to all of us, to sense the spiritual realm. This discernment can become a gift from God, received in greater measure, and then you can actually see things in the spiritual realm.

  • I saw my son in heaven on September 27, 2011.
  • The angel of the Lord spoke to me upon rising on the morning of November 27, 2011. (I will tell you that the Lord said, “With the sleight of hand, the nations will be turned upside-down.” He didn’t say when; we have to be ready at all times!)
  • The angel of the Lord instructed me on March 24, 2012, saying, “Pray for the nations to back Israel.” (I never go a day without praying for the nations to back Israel now, and I pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). If you want to please the Lord, include these prayers on your daily prayer list.
  • The angel of the Lord spoke to me upon rising in the morning on November 6, 2013, saying, “Teneis tinieblas,” which means, “you (plural, you all) have darkness” in Spanish. (I learned later that on that very day ISIS announced their global Islamic Caliphate publicly. Islam will arise suddenly upon the populations of the world and the nations will succumb to their terrors. I’m not worried, I won’t be here!)
  • In June 2014, I saw a demon that was about 3’ tall, wearing a long black robe with a hood, walking the perimeter of my fence, stopping every short distance to peer through the fence into the property. I realized by his actions he wanted to come on the property, but he was not able to cross the border. Later, I remembered praying and anointing every fence post around the perimeter of my property only a short time prior to seeing the demon trying to get through. As I anointed the fence posts, I commanded the devil to stay off my property in “Jesus’s name.” There is great power in the name of Jesus, Yeshua; but only God’s people, who walk in holiness, can invoke that name, or face severe consequences (Acts 19:13-16).

These are just a few of the heavenly experiences I have encountered, although I know of quite a few other people who have had them too.

A close relationship with the Lord, loving Him with all of your heart, knowing God’s Word and praising Him, brings about God’s presence, and sometimes heavenly experiences; but sinfulness and the things of the world invite satanic manifestations, demon possession, and can even lead to a reprobate mind – no redemption is possible after that.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. God bless you with the Light of the world.

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