Tsunamis Are Coming

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I have seen five tsunamis; two headed southeast, one hitting the West Coast, one hitting Indonesia and another hitting Alaska. Two tsunamis hit Loyalty Islands and Indonesia, fulfilling one of the southeast tsunami prophecies; another prophecy of a tsunami headed southeast is still outstanding, along with the other three for the West Coast, Indonesia and Alaska. (The prophecies can be viewed at https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/06/23/6-22-19-update-tsunami/ ; [older archives are located on the Signs and Wonders In Heaven and Earth page at https://nowprophecy.wordpress.com/signs-and-wonders-in-heaven-and-earth/])

I know of three others who prophesied that tsunamis will hit the West Coast and the East Coast of the United States; John Paul Jackson, Perry Stone and Steve Quayle. All of these men are reputable men of God, the first being a modern day “prophet,” who has since gone on to be with the Lord.

The Word of God tells us,

“This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” 2 Corinthians 13:1

I went to You Tube to find John Paul Jackson’s prophecy about the East and West Coast tsunamis in the US and, praise God, I found that someone posted a video with both John Paul’s and Perry Stone’s prophecies on the same video; how blessed we are today. Please watch:

Now, there are four of us who have seen tsunamis, specifically in the West and East Coasts of the United States, and I have seen three others, one hitting Alaska, another hitting Indonesia, and another hitting a northwest coast (heading southeast), but I have no idea which northwest coast was hit in that vision. God doesn’t always give us the full details, for reasons we don’t know, or perhaps they haven’t been revealed yet.


Sincerely, if you are reading this prophetic message/warning and you live near any coastline, I strongly urge you to relocate away from coastal areas.

Jesus said concerning the time of His return,

“And there shall be signs in the sun, moon and stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring” Luke 21:25

Some people have described the sound of a tsunami coming as a “roaring” sound.

Jesus said there would also be great earthquakes (these trigger tsunamis),

“There shall be great earthquakes in diverse places, famines, pestilences and fearful sights and there shall be great signs from heaven” Luke 21:11

Since April 2018, I have seen the Bright and Morning Star (Revelation 22:16), a gigantic and brilliant star descending from heaven to only what appears to be about 30-50 feet from earth, very early in the morning, and the same Bright Star descends before sunset, and I have seen many heavenly Watchers flying, just to name a few visions/spiritual events.

Others who are watching for the Lord’s return, praying diligently and walking circumspectly before the Lord are, no doubt, seeing the same things.

I write anonymously, so it is easier for me to share some of these things. Others who identify themselves on the internet are not likely to share some of the things they see because of the unbelief of many. 

If you believe in God, you must also believe in the miraculous, not just in ancient history, but today, for God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). The miraculous signs of the last days are happening right now. If you want spiritual vision, pray for the gifts of the spirit, specifically discernment and prophesy (1 Corinthians 12:4-11), and more importantly, live a holy life before God and men.

Salvation is offered to everyone who repents of sin and receives Jesus as their Lord and Savior, unless a person crosses a line with God, to the point of becoming reprobate, having no conscience (Romans 1:21-32; Hebrews 6:4-6). Now is the time of salvation for everyone; tomorrow, or even the next hour, could be too late.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

“The Spirit and the bride say, Come; and let him who hears say, Come; and let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely” Revelation 22:17

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. God bless you with the Light of the world.

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TIP: Vitamin A palmitate causes cancer in mice, but apparently the FDA doesn’t mind; they only harass holistic doctors with cures for autism (Dr Jeffrey Bradstreet) and those who oppose toxic vaccines. Vitamin A palmitate is found in at least some dry milk products, if not all, and products like Ovaltine. A good substitute for Ovaltine is organic cocoa and just plain sugar. Mix it in a little boiled water, then add your milk.  

7.4 Great Quake Hits Russia Region

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1 RUSSIA REGION 12-20-18.png 


A great 7.4 magnitude quake hit the Komandorskiye Ostrova region, Russia, on December 20, 2018, at 17:01:54.3 UTC, at a depth of 10 km, reported EMSC-CSEM.

2 RUSSIA REGION 12-20-18.png

Screen shot: EMSC-CSEM

The PTWC issued a Tsunami Threat Message on December 20, 2018, at 1711 UTC.

RUSSIA REGION - 12-20-18.png

Screen shot: PTWC

1,048 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 2,115 days. Among these were 116 7.0+ and 13 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: EMSC-CSEM; Geoscience Australia; USGS; National Weather Service; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center [PTWC]; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University.)


1-17 EARTHQUAKE STATS                  

Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns,

“Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7.

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11.

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; the Star of Bethlehem and the Virgo and Leo lineup of stars over Jerusalem on September 23, 2017) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity (nations are threatening war right now); the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25.

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

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Indonesia Tsunami Kills At Least 800

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Update: Officials reported that the tsunami, following a 7.5 magnitude earthquake on Friday in Sulawesi, Indonesia, has killed at least 800.

Tsunami waves were as high as 6 meters (19 feet), when they hit Palu on Friday, killing hundreds.

People all over social media are criticizing Indonesia’s geophysics agency, BMKG, which is under the auspices of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), according to their website.

Officials said they followed standard operating procedure, and made a call to end the tsunami warning, based on data available from the closest tidal sensor.

Rahmat Triyono, head of the earthquakes and tsunami center at BMKG, said,

“We have no observation data at Palu, so we had to use the data we had and make a call based on that. If we had a tide gauge, or proper data in Palu, of course, it would have been better. This is something we must evaluate for the future.”

“This is something we must evaluate for the future…?” Oh, com si com sa…only hundreds have suffered and died! “If we had a tide gauge…it would have been ‘better.’” “Better?”

Hundreds of people have suffered untold misery and are DEAD! How about, “IT WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN SO DEVASTATINGLY TRAGIC, HORRIFIC!”

Those sentiments are not in the Liberal Luciferian Lunatic (LLL) vocabulary, are they?

Understand carefully, friends; this is an absurd excuse, a flimsy, despicable excuse that doesn’t stand up to the truth.

Geological and tsunami reporting agencies are not staffed with veterinarians, or automotive workers, plumbers…; they are staffed with experts in the field of earthquakes, seismic activity and what happens, or possibly could happen, based on the size of an earthquake, the depth, location and other geological data.

What I am trying to say here is that they didn’t just FALL OFF OF A WATERMELON TRUCK! They know what the worst case scenario is and are supposed to make decisions that will save hundreds, or thousands of innocent lives, erring on the side of SAFETY, not massive loss of life!

Wouldn’t anyone with only half a brain err on the side of extreme safety, when hundreds, perhaps thousands of people’s lives are at risk from a possible tsunami?

Yes, they would! Most reasonable people do.

Only Liberal-Progressive-Socialist-Marxist-Communist-LLLs would say, “Well, that was a great 7.5 quake, at a mere depth of 10 km (~ 6 mi), that hit a critical location that could cause a tsunami and place hundreds, or thousands at risk in this coastal area; do I hit the warning button, or not?………….“NOT!”


What does that tell you about the specialists running the geological surveys/tsunami warnings at UNESCO?

  • 1) First, they are highly specialized in what they do.
  • 2) They are globalists who believe the “useless eaters” are drinking all of their water and eating all of their food, and they believe they have a responsibility to make certain that only their smart selves get all of the food and water, which they believe is at risk (which is not really at risk, but since they are maniacal narcissistic Luciferians, they are fixated on culling the “useless eaters” [see Georgia Guidestones).
  • 3) They have a depopulation agenda.
  • 4) Their actions aren’t careless, accidental, impaired or limited by helplessness or a lack of proper tools (lack of a tide gauge).
  • 5) Their actions are deliberate/diabolical!

Don’t wait for “officials” to tell you what to do. If your house shakes, pictures start flying off the wall and you live near the ocean, grab your family and hit the road inland, to higher ground, like an angel on assignment -STAT (immediately)!

Now is not the time to live near the coast. If you can, move inland!

If you can’t, pray about it.

Please pray for the survivors in Sulawesi.

Jesus said concerning the time of His return,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring” Luke 21:25.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have already been fulfilled. The odds of so many prophecies having been fulfilled is absurd, without divine providence. The remaining prophecies will absolutely come to pass, and we are living in the last days preceding the Lord’s return.

Live for God, and live safely. Be aware, and don’t rely on anyone else’s opinion about you and your family’s safety. Be prepared in advance; we are living in perilous times (2 Timothy 3).

Salvation is offered to everyone who repents of sin and receives Jesus as their Lord and Savior; unless a person crosses a line with God, to the point of becoming reprobate (Romans 1:21-32). Now is the time of salvation for everyone; tomorrow, or even the next hour, could be too late.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. God bless you with the Light of the world.

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7.5 Great and 6.2 Major Quakes Hit Indonesia

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INDONESIA 1 9-28-18


A great 7.5 magnitude earthquake hit Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi, on September 28, 2018, at 10:02:44 UTC, at a depth of 10 km, reported GEOFON.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center doesn’t report tsunami information for the Indian Ocean. I was unable to access the Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Center (IOTIC): http://iotic.ioc-unesco.org/! Of course not, it is part of the Useless United Nations, UNESCO. I found out later they withdrew a tsunami warning and told people everything was okay!

People have died from this tsunami, by the looks of it, and you may not ever hear the real death toll, because these globalists are involved in a conspiracy to kill people, or let them die!


They need to address that UNESCO center “idiotic.ioc-unesco.org,” instead of iotic.ioc-unesco.org!

This great 7.5 quake triggered 10-foot tsunami waves on Sulawesi Island on Friday, September 28, 2018, which destroyed homes in at least two cities, Palu and Donggala, including settlements along the coast. People were seen screaming and running for their lives and families are reported missing!

*CBS News reported a 6.7 aftershock, but none of the reporting agencies I checked below have reported this aftershock. There is either a conspiracy to hide large magnitude earthquakes among all of the reporting sources (included below), or CBS News reported an error: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/indonesia-earthquake-tsunami-warning-large-magnitude-quake-sulawesi-live-updates-2018-28-09/. It will be interesting to find out which is the case.

INDONESIA 2 - 9-28-18


A major 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi, on September 28, 2018, at 07:00:00 UTC, at a depth of 10 km, reported LDEO (may not be finalized).

997 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 2,033 days. Among these were 111 7.0+ and 13 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: EMSC-CSEM; Geoscience Australia; USGS; National Weather Service; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC); China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University.)



Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns,

“Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7.

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11.

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; the Star of Bethlehem and the Virgo and Leo line up of stars over Jerusalem on September 23, 2017) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity (nations are threatening war right now); the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25.

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

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Baseball Sized Hail Hits Texas


Screen shots: YouTube.com


A heavy storm system brought baseball sized hail to Carrollton, Coppell and Arlington, Texas, early Wednesday.

The National Weather Service issued warnings for Denton and Collin Counties. Storms hit hardest after midnight, early Wednesday morning.

The Insurance Council of Texas estimated about 20,000 structures and 25,000 vehicles were damaged, totaling approximately $425 million in damages.

Over the last few years, giant hailstorms have pummeled cities throughout the globe unlike anyone has ever seen, but these storms were foretold:

“Therefore, the Lord God says, I will rend it with a stormy wind in My fury, and there shall be an overflowing shower in My anger, and great hailstones in My fury to consume it” Ezekiel 13:13.


Giant hail hit Denver       Giant hail hit S Dakota   Giant hail hit Arkansas


Giant hail hit Colorado     Argentina         Giant hail hit Colorado

When a nation forgets God, these things happen. The Almighty won’t tolerate the sins of this world.

“I will plead against him with pestilence and blood; I will rain upon him and his bands, and upon many people that are with him, an overflowing rain and great hailstones, fire and brimstone” Ezekiel 38:22.



About 200 homes were destroyed in the last 36 hours, as lava continues to flow from Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano. Approximately 300 homes were destroyed since the volcano started erupting on May 3, 2018.

“Vacationland is almost completely destroyed,” said Janet Snyder, spokeswoman for Hawaii County.

A flight over the area confirmed Tuesday that lava completely filled Kapoho Bay.

Hundreds of lower magnitude earthquakes continue to shake the Big Island near Kilauea daily.

Especially in this prophetic hour, people should move away from volcanoes and coastlines.

The Word of God also tells us concerning the last days,

“I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath, blood, fire and vapor of smoke” Acts 2:19.

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and waves roaring” Luke 21:25.

This alludes to planetary movement, solar and lunar eclipses (especially on Israel’s feast days), stars falling (not necessarily crashing down, but may also descend slowly and recede into the horizon), solar flares, tropical storms, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

During the persecutions of Protestants by the Roman Catholics in Germany, Protestants were hung up by the ribs with hooks, they were forced to drink until they burst, they were baked in hot ovens, they were hung, stabbed, roasted, fried, placed on racks, raped, torn apart with wild horses, drowned, strangled, burned, broiled, crucified, poisoned, their tongues were cut off, their limbs were sawed off, hacked to pieces and drug by the heels through the streets – all in the name of God (the god of Catholics, who is Lucifer)!

Excerpts taken from Fox’s Book of Martyrs – Zondervan Publishing House (1926)

A few hundred years ago, Fox’s Book of Martyrs was chained to every pulpit, alongside the Holy Bible. I suppose people decided to turn their heads away from such violent crimes and become more “dignified.” We dishonor those who suffered by burying their testimonies and martyrdom. It also seems most churches today are too “dignified” for the Holy Spirit and fire, Who fell on the apostles of the early church (Acts 2)!

The Catholic Church has never issued an apology for the crimes committed during the Inquisition and the brutal torture and murders of Protestant Christians, who denounced papal authority, denied Purgatory, the selling of indulgences in sin, the worship of idols, and prayers to the saints and the Virgin Mary. Neither has any reparation been made to the heirs of the saints who suffered such vile persecutions from the Catholic Church. Protestants were brutally murdered by Catholics by way of burning them alive at the stake, flaying alive, hangings, cutting them to pieces, burying them alive, drowning, torturing them on the rack, whereby bones were broken and bodies ripped apart, beheading them, etc… The property and assets were seized of those heinously murdered by the Catholic Church from about the Twelfth Century through around the 1820s, not that long ago. The Vatican sits atop the blood of the saints. Revelation 18 describes her brutal end for heresies and having committed such abominable crimes.

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues” Revelation 18:4.

God is calling His sincere believers to come out of the Catholic abomination, before it’s too late!

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. God bless you with the Light of the world.

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Fuego Volcano Erupts, 62 Dead, 300 Injured


Guatemala’s Fuego volcano unexpectedly spewed a massive eruption on Sunday, June 3, 2018, at about 16:00 UTC. Volcanic ash billowed more than 32,000 feet, with lava and pyroclastic flows.

This eruption was the most violent explosion from the volcano in over 40 years.

At least 62 are reportedly dead, with about 300 injuries. Authorities said the death toll is expected to rise.

The General Secretary of CONRED, Guatemala’s national disaster management agency, Sergio Cabanas, said,

“It’s a river of lava that overflowed its banks and affected the small town of El Rodeo. There are injured, burned and dead people. Unfortunately, El Rodeo was buried and we haven’t been able to reach the La Libertad Village because of the lava, and maybe there are people that died there too.”

About 1.7 million people have been affected by the eruption, reported Watchers.news.

Officials said deaths have occurred in El Rodeo, Alotenano and San Miguel los Lotes. Rescue operations were suspended Sunday, until Monday at 11:00 UTC, due to dangerous conditions.

Guatemala City’s airport, La Aurora, was closed on Sunday due to ash.

There are Red alerts in Escuintla, Alotenango, Sacatepéquez, Yepocapa and Chimaltenango.


Screen shot: YouTube.com

KILAUEA UPDATE: OVER 500 QUAKES HIT IN 24 HOURS near Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano, which is still erupting and is at an alert level 4 (out of 5). Fissure 8 lava flows continue along Highway 137.

The Word of God tells us concerning the last days,

“I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath, blood, fire and vapor of smoke” Acts 2:19 (also Joel 2:30).

This alludes to volcanic activity and we will see more eruptions, as we draw closer to the return of the Lord.

Right now is especially not a time to be living near volcanoes, or near coastal areas.

The Word of God also tells us,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring” Luke 21:25.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

During the persecutions of Protestants by the Roman Catholics in Germany, God’s people were half strangled and recovered repeatedly; sharp wheels were rolled over their fingers and toes; their thumbs were pinched in a vice; filthy things were forced down their throats; cords were tied around their heads so tightly that blood gushed out of their eyes, nose, ears and mouth; they were hung by their legs with their heads over a fire; and many other atrocities were inflicted upon them – all in the name of God (the god of Catholics, who is Lucifer)!

Excerpts taken from Fox’s Book of Martyrs – Zondervan Publishing House (1926)

A few hundred years ago, Fox’s Book of Martyrs was chained to every pulpit, alongside the Holy Bible. I suppose people decided to turn their heads away from such violent crimes and become more “dignified.” We dishonor those who suffered by burying their testimonies and martyrdom. It also seems most churches today are too “dignified” for the Holy Spirit and fire, Who fell on the apostles of the early church (Acts 2)!

The Catholic Church has never issued an apology for the crimes committed during the Inquisition and the brutal torture and murders of Protestant Christians, who denounced papal authority, denied Purgatory, the selling of indulgences in sin, the worship of idols, and prayers to the saints and the Virgin Mary. Neither has any reparation been made to the heirs of the saints who suffered such vile persecutions from the Catholic Church. Protestants were brutally murdered by Catholics by way of burning them alive at the stake, flaying alive, hangings, cutting them to pieces, burying them alive, drowning, torturing them on the rack, whereby bones were broken and bodies ripped apart, beheading them, etc… The property and assets were seized of those heinously murdered by the Catholic Church from about the Twelfth Century through around the 1820s, not that long ago. The Vatican sits atop the blood of the saints. Revelation 18 describes her brutal end for heresies and having committed such abominable crimes.

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues” Revelation 18:4.

God is calling His sincere believers to come out of the Catholic abomination, before it’s too late!

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *



Here it comes…


An 8.2 SUPER QUAKE hit off the coast of Chiapas, Mexico, on September 8, 2017, at 0449 UTC, at a depth of 33 km / 20 miles, reported the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

WARNING, WARNING, WARNING, WARNING: The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a Tsunami Threat Message on September 8, 2017, at 0454 UTC. Tsunami waves have already been observed.

830 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 1,659 days. Among these were 92 7.0+ and 10 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: EMSC-CSEM; Geoscience Australia; USGS; National Weather Service; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University.)

Major to super magnitude earthquakes have increased to more than one every two days on average during the last 55 months.



Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns, “Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7.

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11.

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; and the Star of Bethlehem) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity (major nations are threatening war right now – possibly nuclear); the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25.

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!”

I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

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  • God bless you and stay safe!