59 Tomahawk Missiles Dropped On Syria

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Screen shot: YouTube.com


At $1.5 million for each missile, the cost is estimated at about $88.5 million in weapons fired against Assad’s air force, without any hard evidence that Assad attacked terrorist-rebels with chemical weapons.

Actually, if Assad were to have attacked the “rebels,” a nice word for those who have helped the Islamic State butcher, behead, bury alive, burn alive, drown in cages, rape and sodomize dissenters and Christians for years, if Assad dropped chemical weapons on these, that is a justified act of war, an act of self defense against walking beasts.

Some cry foul because their children died with them (terrorists). That indeed is tragic, but during which war in the history of the world did Americans, or any other nation, march through cities and towns and separate children from the adult enemies and then drop bombs?

It is very tragic, but in many cases children have died with their parents during war. It is still heartbreaking, but these particular children are raised to hate Jews and Christians and they are actually taught to slaughter them in the cruelest ways, not when they grow up into adulthood, but even as children! I’m not saying these children deserve to die, not at all, but the fact that they went down with their parents actually saves the lives of innocent people in the future. These are just the facts.

Bashar al-Assad is no angel, but he was at peace with Christians in his country and he was known to protect them, unlike the butchering Islamic State and “rebels,” which are nothing but vile terrorists and have vowed allegiance to ISIS. These have been given the name “rebels” by the likes of Muslim terrorist-loving Barack Obama and John McCain.

Americans need to ask themselves why Obama and McCain are cohesive with such terrorists in Syria, providing them with weapons, while not lifting a finger, or a voice, to defend slaughtered Christians in the region; and now we need to ask ourselves why President Trump is defending these terrorist-rebels and why he fails to understand there is no comparison between the likes of these vicious terrorists and Bashar al-Assad, who is a teddy bear in comparison.

If you really want to know who Bashar al-Assad is, please watch the following video. Those who oppose Assad in Syria are TERRORISTS, BARBARIANS and move in the spirit of antichrist with vicious fury to destroy not only non-Muslims in Syria, but they are out to DESTROY YOU TOO!

I don’t believe Assad used chemical weapons on these relatively few terrorist-rebels (about 100), because he has had plenty of opportunity to use chemical weapons on the Islamic State, many more than those recently hit, but he didn’t.

During the last chemical attack, when Obama and the globalists blamed Assad, there were Christians living in Syria, who were also “in the know” about who actually used the chemical weapons against citizens. They declared emphatically that Assad did not use the chemical weapons, but the terrorist-rebels used them. It isn’t beyond these “suicide-bombing” terrorists to even attack their own people with chemical weapons, if it will bring Assad down, so they can fully establish their Islamic terror state.

Assad is hated by Muslim terrorists because he doesn’t butcher Christians and other non-Muslims.

Whose side should we be on?

If we consider what the state of Syria was like before the invasion of ISIS, and the terrorist-rebels who are actually in alliance with ISIS, was it not a relatively peaceful nation and heads were not rolling, correct? What changed things? Why all the vicious atrocities against Christians and other non-Muslims now? It was NOT ASSAD’S doing! The horror started when the Islamic State invaded Syria and many “rebels” have joined ISIS. So, what is likely to happen if Assad is taken down by Trump? BEHEADINGS, BURYING ALIVE, DROWNINGS, BURNING ALIVE, CRUCIFIXIONS, ETC…!

Why didn’t Obama, and now why hasn’t President Trump threatened to do anything about all of the barbaric killings by ISIS and the Syrian “rebels?” Why now all of a sudden is Assad accused of chemical weapons attacks and the Trump administration threatens to take him out? This is absurd and it doesn’t make any sense, unless President Trump is being deceived by the Luciferian globalists in his own administration.

Something is terribly wrong with President Trump bombing Syria and we need to pray that the truth is revealed. To defeat Assad is to place blessings on Islamic State terrorists!

Our military is webbed with Muslim terrorist sympathizers since Obama’s fraudulent “presidency.” Trump might have even been misled by advisers within our own military forces. 

We need to pray for our president and for God’s hand of mercy upon him, because there are strong factions throughout this nation that want a Liberal-Socialist-Marxist-Leninist-Communist Luciferian regime, instead of a free nation. They have also aligned themselves with Muslim terrorist organizations, which can only be described as satanic.

The Prophet Daniel foretold that the world would be divided during the latter days, and that is exactly what we are seeing right now. Our nation is divided, and the world’s nations are also divided. He described end time’s nations (depicted as feet on a statue) as being part strong, like iron, and part clay, weak:

“Whereas you saw the feet and toes, part of potter’s clay and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided, but there shall be in it the strength of the iron, for as much as you saw iron mixed with miry clay; and as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men (the spirits of nephilim with humans), but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay” Daniel 2:41-43.

The nations are creating cyborgs, humanoids, and they are splicing human DNA with that of animals. There is also talk of man’s communications with aliens, and historical artifacts indicate this has already happened. Moreover, the Word of God tells us that giants (nephilim – original Hebrew) populated the earth, which were the offspring of fallen angels and human women (Genesis 6). History is repeating itself (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

This prophecy should be a warning sign of just how close we are to the return of the Lord, for the Word of God also tells us,

“As the days of Noah were (Genesis 6), so shall also the coming of the Son of man (Jesus) be” Matthew 24:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

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