Biden Campaign Pitch: ‘Make America Normal Again’

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13 BIDEN SMELLING 13 - 11-25-16

15 BIDEN TOUCHING 15 - 11-25-16

Screen shots:

Joe Biden is on the campaign trail with a used and slightly tweaked slogan, “Make America Normal Again.”

Whatever he is doing, polls show he is a leading Democratic candidate, winning 38 percent of Democratic voters nationwide.

Are 38 percent really that stupid?

Is this normal?

BIDEN SMELLING 7 - 11-25-16


BIDEN GROPING 2 - 11-25-16


Someone should tell the old coot THIS IS NOT NORMAL!

Is this normal?…



Screen shot: – It seems spirit-cooking, pedo-looking, John Podesta has one of those bracelets too!

…It is if you are a pedophile!

Someone should investigate the old pedo-looking-coot, not vote for him!

Is it normal to arrange financial deals for your son with the Chinese, while in the office of the Vice President of the United States? (

All of this is normal for Biden.

If you want his kind of “normal,” go ahead and vote for the old foul-mouthed coot! ( You’ll get just what you deserve; and if you have a daughter, you had better hide her!

I have a slogan for you, Biden:

Pedo-looking Old Coot for President!

In the meantime, check out Biden’s friends in the latest leak: Chinese torturing their prisoners and killing them:

Jesus said concerning the last days,

“Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold” Matthew 24:12

The Prophet Isaiah warned us about the Liberals:

“The vile person shall no more be called liberal (that’s right, they call themselves Progressives now), nor the greedy (וּלְכִילַי – original Hebrew) said to be bountiful. The vile person will speak villainy and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy and utter error against the Lord, to make empty the soul of the hungry and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. The instruments also of the churl are evil; he devises wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speak right. But the liberal devise liberal things and by liberal things shall he stand” Isaiah 32:5-8 (ET – Elim אֵילִם Translation) (emphasis added).

Salvation is offered to everyone who repents of sin and receives Jesus as their Lord and Savior, unless a person crosses a line with God, to the point of becoming reprobate, having no conscience (Romans 1:21-32; Hebrews 6:4-6). Now is the time of salvation for everyone; tomorrow, or even the next hour, could be too late.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

“The Spirit and the bride say, Come; and let him who hears say, Come; and let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely” Revelation 22:17

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. God bless you with the Light of the world.

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