Tag: Christian women raped

Is There A Real Man With Any Grit Left In the World?

Screen shot: YouTube.com – maybe this guy


I received a letter recently from Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel with the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). He explained the atrocities (Christian genocide) that are being carried out by ISIS (Islamic State) and how ACLJ is working hard to end the horrific genocide. Sekulow listed a few of the atrocities committed by ISIS:

  • Beheaded Christian children in front of their parents.
  • 250 Christian toddlers were thrown into an industrial dough mixer and crushed to death.
  • Cut off a young Christian boy’s fingertips and beat him in front of his father, then executed them both by crucifixion.
  • Publicly raped eight Christian women, then beheaded them.
  • Burned Christians alive in caskets.
  • Burned a 12-year-old girl to death because her mother couldn’t pay the jizya tax they demanded.
  • Raped and tortured two Christian sisters, cut up their bodies and delivered the body parts to their parents with a video of the torture and murder.

There is so much more, but it would be shameful to even speak of some of the horrific cruelty, yes, cruelty that extends even beyond what is described above, so I will stop here.

ACLJ has gone before Congress and the UUN (Useless United Nations), they have filed motions in courts and Sekulow has even met with President Trump. They are working tirelessly, diplomatically, to end the slaughter, Christian genocide. They operate strictly through donations. If you want to contribute, please visit their website at ACLJ.org.

When it comes to news such as this, I have NO diplomacy, folks.

I would like to know where the world leaders are who have a heart, who find this news so repulsive, they have no problem bringing out their weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION!

What else in hades is a nuclear bomb good for? Every world leader that has one will surely stand before God in judgment for not using it on the Islamic State! These demons have no business living on the face of the earth and anyone who can, but refuses to annihilate them is guilty of the blood ISIS spills!

What about innocent bystanders? Allow me to explain by example. If ISIS lived all around me, I would beg the world to drop a bomb on all of us just to pulverize these filthy pieces of dung! Wouldn’t you?!

In fact, a girl had been raped so many times by ISIS terrorists, she couldn’t urinate. She sent out a message on the internet asking someone to bomb them all, including herself, pleading for someone to just annihilate them! This is a fact; it was all over the internet.

Jesus said regarding such a time as this,

“He said unto them, But now, he who has a purse (supply bag), let him take it, and likewise his scrip (wallet), and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one” Luke 22:36.

Just prior to this passage of scripture, Jesus reminded His disciples that He sent them out on missionary journeys without supplies, money, or even shoes, and He asked them if they lacked anything. They answered, “No.” He went on to explain that He would be leaving them, so it was time to gather supplies, have some cash on hand and sell their clothes, if they had to, but GET A SWORD (now we have nifty guns)!

Would it then be a sin to blow the Islamic State to smithereens while we and our families remain on the earth, until Jesus returns? The answer is a big NO. In fact, He has commissioned us to get weapons and defend our families and ourselves, even if we have to sell our clothes to do it! How much clearer can His message be?

The Word of God also says this about those who shed blood:

“Therefore, as I live, says the Lord God, I will prepare you for blood and blood shall pursue you; since you have not hated blood, therefore, blood shall pursue you” Ezekiel 35:6.

Hint: He isn’t speaking about those who defend themselves and their families. He is obviously referring to those who don’t mind, or even enjoy, spilling blood.

God doesn’t lie and He never goes back on His Word. If we don’t pulverize these beasts, we will face God on Judgment Day!

My guns are ready, are yours? *Store them safely away from children.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.