Tag: Cuties


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The Lord led me to this article published by Phoenix Files (https://phoenixoeuvre.com/2020/07/24/adrenochrome-mel-gibsons-shocking-revelation-on-hollywood/) regarding Mel Gibson’s testimony about child sacrifice in Hollywood. The timing this is crucial, in that I just published an article (the preceding article below) about leaked documents relating to the harvesting of adrenochrome from children, who are kidnapped and tortured in the US to manufacture this substance. Mel Gibson’s testimony corroborates many of the articles I have written on the subjects of the Finders (DC based Luciferians who target and kidnap children), Pizzagate, LLL pedophiles in the CIA, DOJ and FBI, their efforts to destroy those who expose them and many others…(search Finders on this website for more information).

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Mel Gibson

Adrenochrome, The Drug Of The Elite: They Obtain It By Torturing Children

“Adrenochrome is produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine) in mammals. The chemical concentrates in the body during times of extreme fear and terror.”

Phoenix Files


By Eve on Friday, July 24, 2020

Laura Q Wins

Yesterday at 4:04 AM  · MEL GIBSON’S SHOCKING REVELATION ON HOLLYWOOD… In a shocking exposé, movie star Mel Gibson has blown the whistle on the epidemic of “parasites” who “control Hollywood” that are involved in #childSacrifice and #pedophilia. The Lethal Weapon star said that “every studio in Hollywood is bought and paid for with the blood of innocent children,” adding that the “most valuable currency is the blood of babies.” While in London, England, promoting his latest role in Daddy’s Home 2, Gibson described entertainment industry elites as an “enemy to mankind” who “feast on the blood of innocent children.” He said key players in the movie business “get their kicks from destroying the sanctuary of children” as they “thrive on breaking every God-given taboo known to man.” “They have a blatant disregard for the good of the people. Destroying people’s lives is just a game to them – the more pain they can cause, the better the thrill. Children are just sustenance to them. They feast on the pain and fear, and the younger, the better.” “These people follow their own religion and use it for moral guidance. It’s not the sort of religious teachings you folks would ever hear about. They perform sacred rituals that are sick and totally at odds with the moral fabric that binds most patriotic Americans. The worst part: It’s an open secret in Hollywood and everyone wants in on it.” Mel Gibson appeared on British prime-time BBC chat show, The Graham Norton Show, on Friday, where the veteran actor answered questions from shocked guests, in the green room backstage after his appearance, regarding the true nature of Hollywood “elites.” He explained how he had been blacklisted by Hollywood’s controlling oligarchs in 2006 for voicing his opinions about the industry that clashed with their liberal agenda. He said that since then he has been “working outside of the system” which has given him a fresh perspective, saying: “It’s difficult to comprehend, I know, and I’m sorry that I am the one to break this to you, but Hollywood is an institutionalized pedophile ring. They use and abuse kids for their own sick ‘spiritual beliefs,’ if you can even call them that. I don’t fully understand it myself, but they harvest these kids for their energy and feast on their blood. They don’t do it mercifully either, they scare the sh*t out of them before they sacrifice them. The more innocent the child, the more terrified they are, the more they thrive on it,” said the Braveheart star. What does that mean? They aren’t doing this as some form of artistic expression, they are harvesting the blood of children and eating their flesh because they think it gives them some sort of ‘life force.’ If the child was mentally and physically suffering when they died, then it gives them ‘extra life force.’ I don’t understand why they do that, but that’s what they do. Most of us have a moral compass that guides us through life, right? These people don’t have that, or if they do, it’s pointing in the opposite direction.” Gibson, who has spent the last 30 years working inside and outside of the Hollywood regime, says that the industry’s hierarchy “thrives on abuse, pain, torture, stress, and suffering. According to Gibson, the desire to inflict such abuse isn’t limited to just the elite, but only “those at the top of the food chain can afford such a ‘luxury,’” although, it’s a “goal for most people in the industry.” “Hollywood is drenched in innocent children’s blood. The references to pedophilia and cannibalism have always been there, but for years they are cryptic or symbolic. I was introduced to these practices in the early 2000s and was threatened with serious repercussions should I ever speak out. And, I don’t just mean my career, I mean my life was threatened, my family’s life would be in danger. I can only talk about it now as those people, those industry executives, they’re all dead now.” “They see the blood of a sexually abused infant as the ‘ultimate prize’ and say that it’s ‘highly enriched.’ Babies are like a ‘premium currency’ and hold a higher value of anything else you can think of: Diamonds, drugs, caviar, you name it. They are literally trading these kids like a currency for favors, movie roles, kickbacks…” According to Gibson, this perversion isn’t just the latest fad but has been a deep-threaded culture in Hollywood for generations, and is something popular among both men and women. “This isn’t anything new and has been taking place since before Hollywood was even founded. If you research this phenomenon, you will find it lurking in the shadows of every dark era in history. These dark, multidimensional occult practices have been used in secret societies for hundreds of years. Hollywood is being used for social programming and mind control and their message is being projected into the psyche of the American people…People everywhere.” And it’s not just Hollywood! (Sic)

Copied from https://phoenixoeuvre.com/2020/07/24/adrenochrome-mel-gibsons-shocking-revelation-on-hollywood/ to share this critical news and for educational purposes.

If you haven’t read the preceding article, LEAKED DOCS: HORROR IN THE UNITED STATES and THROUGHOUT THE WORLD!, please read it.

Related article: Netflix indicted in Texas over lewd depiction of Cuties. These media moguls are now trying to make pedophilia “the norm,” but some of us don’t think so!

Those of you who watch television, even just the mainstream news on television, are being deceived. No one in their right mind should have television “services.” I cut mine off in 2011 and I don’t regret it. I finally came to the realization that it had no value whatsoever and I was wasting my money; but worse than that, I later found out that I was supporting those who torture little children and drink their blood!

Children are being subverted by watching television, violence, nudity, foul language and fake news.

Christians, if you watch television and allow your children to watch television, you are inviting devils into your home. If you are suffering spiritual attacks, if your children are suffering, the base of it could be coming from your television!

Time wasted watching evil on the “tube,” could be spent in prayer, reading and studying God’s Holy Word and watching Christian movies and documentaries that are a tremendous blessing. While children are being abducted across the US at the rate of 1 child in less than each passing minute, I strongly urge you to rather train your children in the admonition of the Lord, read God’s Holy Word to them and pray over them daily for their protection and safety.

Missing Children Stats: About 800,000 children are reported missing each year, more than 2,000 kidnapped every single day, 1 EVERY 40 SECONDS! (source: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children [US Department of Justice reports] https://newspunch.com/trump-pedophiles-deserve-death-penalty/).

I still own a television, but I use it to watch Christian DVDs that I purchase, or that have been sent to me by Christian ministries that I support.

The Word tells us:

“Neither did they repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries (drugs), nor of their fornication (illicit sexual behavior), nor of their thefts (as in stealing children)” Revelation 9:21

“For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret” Ephesians 5:12

…And for that reason, there are many things I have not published on this website. Know that we are living in perilous times, in a very dark and evil world…Guard your children like an angel and pray over them daily!

Even the Liberal Luciferian Lunatic schools are teaching children abominations (step-by-step how to perform homosexual acts – see the Home Education page for more information)!

Salvation is offered to everyone who repents of sin and receives Jesus as their Lord and Savior, unless a person crosses a line with God, to the point of becoming reprobate, having no conscience (Romans 1:21-32; Hebrews 6:4-6). Now is the time of salvation for everyone; tomorrow, or even the next hour, could be too late.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

“The Spirit and the bride say, Come; and let him who hears say, Come; and let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely” Revelation 22:17

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

7.0 Great Quake Hits Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge – Plus Prophetic News and Extreme Weather Reports

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**Including Severe Weather Report**

and Prophetic News

Church of Iceland’s ad shows trans Jesus in a dress with makeup!

Blasphemy! The media rep and pastor says it’s okay, “We’re trying to embrace society as it is…”

What are you going to do with the Word of God that condemns such abominations, hell-bound “church?”

“Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate (transgenders), nor abusers of themselves with mankind (homosexuals)” 1 Corinthians 6:9

“You shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is an abomination” Leviticus 18:22

Furthermore, Romans 1:21-32 tells us that those who do such things have been turned over to a reprobate mind, NOT REDEEMABLE!

Have you even read the Bible, church members of Iceland?

Have you tossed the Bible out of the church? What are you using now, the Book of Satan?

          World’s wildlife plummets more than two-thirds in 50 years

This is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy:

Therefore the land shall mourn and everyone that dwells in it shall languish, with the beasts of the field, with the fowls of heaven, yes, the fishes of the sea shall also be taken away” Hosea 4:3

Even the animals can’t take it anymore; the world is too evil for them and they feel it! The earth is mourning and languishing!

Hundreds of thousands of birds dead, Southwest’s largest bird die-offs

This is a fulfillment of prophecy (see the Bird Die-off prophecy [dated 11/22/18]: https://nowprophecy.wordpress.com/signs-and-wonders-in-heaven-and-earth/)

33-year-old man charged with punching 84-year-old Trump supporter in the face

The riots continue in California, New York, Oregon and many other areas throughout the US. In the meantime, the rioters are being incited by Kamala Harris, Democratic VP candidate pick, who stated publicly that they (protests, which are actually riots) “will not stop and should not stop.” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku_t-2LgkgM)

NASA captures orb following ISS on live stream

Navy Fighter Pilot’s encounter with UFO

This disclosure, and disclosure of UFOs by the Pentagon, is a fulfillment of prophecy (see the Wonders In Heaven prophecy: https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/06/05/6-5-19-update/)

Lightning strikes kill at least 42 people on September 15, 2020, in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India

This is a fulfillment of prophecy (see the Swarms of Lightning prophecy: https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/04/04/4-4-19-update/)


Tropical Storm Beta – Photo credit: NOAA/GOES-16, RAMMB/CIRA

Tropical Storm Beta strengthens to Hurricane, storm surge watch for all areas along Texas and Louisiana coasts


Hurricane Teddy – Photo credit: NOAA/GOES-16, RAMMB/CIRA

Hurricane Teddy strengthens to Category 4, approaches Bermuda this weekend

Tropical Storm Noul hits Vietnam

Deadly flash floods sweep through Kampala, Uganda

Deadly floods/landslides and destructive tornado hits Vietnam

This is a fulfillment of prophecy (see the Record-breaking Rains prophecy: https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/03/27/3-27-19-update/)

*I stopped updating the Signs and Wonders In Heaven and Earth (https://signswonders.home.blog) website for this prophecy. I lost count, but there have been so many record-breaking rains throughout the world, in fulfillment of this prophecy, it is impossible, due to time constraints, to keep up with the updates. I stopped after about 100 incidents, as I recall.

Tip:  Are you aware that you don’t need to grow trees from a seed? You can also clone a favorite tree from one of its branches! I tried this recently and my branch is doing quite well. The globalists are likely going to go into convulsions, throw their heads back and have demonic seizures, but grow as many of your favorite fruit trees as you like! Follow these instructions: https://www.hunker.com/12319507/how-to-grow-fruit-trees-from-a-branch *by the way, I didn’t use any liquid rooting hormone and my branch is doing great anyway! Spread the word to all of your family and friends!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead

Ginsburg promoted pedophilia and child trafficking, so who cares!

New blood, computer brains and frozen heads. How billionaires think they ‘will live forever’ They aren’t talking about where they are really getting their ‘new blood!’

Put this together with the fact that about 800,000 children are reported missing each year, more than 2,000 kidnapped every single day, 1 EVERY 40 SECONDS! (source: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children [US Department of Justice reports])

Hillary and Bill Clinton and Laura (Silsby) Gayler all know something about missing children: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-25/clinton-silsby-trafficking-scandal-and-how-media-attempted-ignorecover-it

Before you vote, you should also know that Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are close and affectionate buddies: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2016/09/12/joe-biden-hillary-clinton-take-six-days-off-campaign-trail/

Albeit, Joe really stands on his own when it comes to child exploitation


3 BIDEN KISSING 3 - 11-25-16

7 BIDEN SMELLING 7 - 11-25-16


*This child-like bracelet means something among Luciferian pedophiles.

OBAMA DATE - 11-24-16

James Alefantis says, “You’re my date for next year.” This all means something very serious, folks. 182,771 sealed indictments have been filed since President Trump took office, and many of those are against elite and politician pedophiles. Many arrests have been made and tens of thousands more are pending. If Joe Biden wins the election, the sealed indictments could disappear… (https://www.ourgreatawakening.org/182771-sealed-indictments-being-unsealed/)

Are you interested in knowing where the infallible Word of God says they are going?

“And He (Jesus) took a child and set him in the midst of them, and when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them…Whoever offends one of these little ones who believe in Me, it is better for him that a millstone be hanged about his neck and cast into the sea” Mark 9:36, 42

What is worse than a millstone about one’s neck and drowning in the sea?


Hell fire!

The left threaten violence if SCOTUS vacancy filled before election

They want to save the seat for the next pedophile!


 President Trump announces historic peace agreement between Israel and United Arab Emirates, the ‘Abraham Accord’!

Rasmussen Poll: Trump approval 53 percent

Chlamydia and gonorrhea cases surge in women

You can blame the public school system for kicking God and prayer out and bringing sexual promiscuity in, ultimately teaching young children X-rated sex ‘education’ in schools. Sure, like nobody understood how to procreate until Planned Parenthood, with their obscene sex ‘education curriculum’ barged into the public school system to “save the children.” They are DESTROYING YOUR CHILDREN! Please visit the Home Education page for more information.

This is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy:

“Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences (like coronavirus, chlamydia and gonorrhea) and earthquakes in diverse places” Matthew 24:7 (ET – Elim אֵילִם Translation)

Firestorm erupts after ‘Cuties’ sexualization of small children on Netflix

Not surprisingly, the Obamas and Susan Rice are involved. These, and many more throughout DC and Hollywood, are heavily involved in pedophilia. The Democratic National Convention logo reveals further why they have no morals. They openly worship satan and their DNC logo is another indicator!


Screen shot: YouTube.com – TRUTH



Screen shot: USGS

A great 7.0 magnitude quake hit the Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge on September 18, 2020, at 21:44:08 UTC, reported LDEO.

The NWS PTWC issued a Tsunami Information Statement on September 18, 20202, at 2155 UTC, 11 minutes after the great quake occurred. *The message here is, don’t rely on the PTWC to notify you there is a tsunami coming! Don’t forget Indonesia’s statement after people died and no one was warned, “We will do better next time.” If the ground shakes and you live near the coast, don’t wait, GET TO HIGH GROUND!


Screen shot: LDEO

1,352 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 2,753 days. Among these were 139 7.0+ and 14 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: CSEM-EMSC; Geoscience Australia; USGS; National Weather Service [NWS]; NWS National Tsunami Warning Service; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center [PTWC]; NOAA/United States Tsunami Warning System [NOAA/USTWS]; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University; BMKG [Indonesia]; Japan Meteorological Agency [JMA])


1-19 earthquakes

Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns,

“Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; the Star of Bethlehem and the Virgo and Leo lineup of stars over Jerusalem on September 23, 2017) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

Major Quakes Hit Russia (6.5) and Fiji (6.1) – Plus Prophetic News and Extreme Weather Reports

Please be advised that WordPress includes advertisements on this site; they are not selected by the publisher


**Including Severe Weather Report**

and Prophetic News


Hurricane Sally – NOAA/GOES-16, RAMMB/CIRA

Hurricane Sally expected to bring life-threatening storm surge to Gulf Coast, US, up to 11 feet storm surge, 2 feet rain in 24-36 hours!

Eye of Hurricane Paulette directly over Bermuda!

Severe Medistorm Cassilda forms near coast of Libya

Trail of destruction left in North Korea from Typhoon Maysak

President Trump announces historic peace agreement between Israel and United Arab Emirates, the ‘Abraham Accord’! (developing)


This could be the anticipated seven-year peace treaty spoken of by the Prophet Daniel, which the Archangel Gabriel relayed to him:

Then he (the antichrist) shall confirm a covenant with many for one week (7 years)…” Daniel 9:27

If this is the case, look up saints, because the great tribulation lasts seven years, so as the ink dries on that accord, we could be gone!

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words” 1 Corinthians 4:16-18

 Millions of birds are dropping dead out of the sky over New Mexico

This is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy:

“Therefore (because of the sins of the people), the land shall mourn and everyone that dwells therein shall languish with the beasts of the field, with the fowls of heaven, yes, the fishes of the sea shall also be taken away” Hosea 4:3

Record-breaking rains hit Praia, Cabo Verde

Record-breaking rains hit Tunisia, 6 dead

30+ people dead/missing after floods/landslides hit Nepal

Deluge and record-breaking floods hit African Sahel

Record-breaking rains affect 2.5 million and over 1 million acres of crops in Sindh, Pakistan

200,000 homeless after severe floods hit Far North, Cameroon

This is a fulfillment of prophecy (see the Record-breaking Rains prophecy: https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/03/27/3-27-19-update/)

*I stopped updating the Signs and Wonders In Heaven and Earth (https://signswonders.home.blog) website for this prophecy. I lost count, but there have been so many record-breaking rains throughout the world in fulfillment of this prophecy, it is impossible due to time constraints to keep up with the updates. I stopped updating the prophecy after about 100 incidents, as I recall.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea cases surge in women

You can blame the public school system for kicking God, prayer and the Bible out, and bringing X-rated sex “education” into the classrooms. Like nobody understood how to procreate until Planned Parenthood barged into the public school system with their obscene X-rated sex “education” agenda to “save the children!” They are DESTROYING YOUR CHILDREN! Please visit the Home Education page for more information.

This is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy:

“Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences (like coronavirus, chlamydia and gonorrhea) and earthquakes in diverse places” Matthew 24:7 (ET – Elim אֵילִם Translation)

Firestorm erupts after ‘Cuties’ sexualization of small children on Netflix

Not surprisingly, the Obamas and Susan Rice are involved. These, and many more throughout DC and Hollywood, are heavily involved in pedophilia. The Democratic National Convention (DNC) logo reveals further why they have no morals. They openly worship satan and their DNC logo is just another indicator!


Screen shot: YouTube.com – TRUTH


3 BIDEN KISSING 3 - 11-25-16

7 BIDEN SMELLING 7 - 11-25-16


*This child-like bracelet means something among Luciferian pedophiles.

OBAMA DATE - 11-24-16

James Alefantis says, “You’re my date for next year.” This all means something very serious, folks. 182,771 sealed indictments have been filed since President Trump took office, and many of those are against elite and politician pedophiles. Many arrests have been made and tens of thousands more are pending. If Joe Biden wins the election, the sealed indictments could disappear… (https://www.ourgreatawakening.org/182771-sealed-indictments-being-unsealed/)

Missing Children Stats: About 800,000 children are reported missing each year, more than 2,000 kidnapped every single day, 1 EVERY 40 SECONDS! (source: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children [US Department of Justice reports] https://newspunch.com/trump-pedophiles-deserve-death-penalty/).

Does anyone not believe we have a pedophile crisis in America – and throughout the world?

Before a minute goes by, another child is kidnapped!

President Trump wants to take out the pedophiles and so does Jesus!


“And He (Jesus) took a child and set him in the midst of them, and when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them…Whoever offends one of these little ones who believe in Me, it is better for him that a millstone be hanged about his neck and cast into the sea” Mark 9:36, 42

What is worse than a millstone around the neck and drowned in the sea?


Hell fire!

Trans Satanist with ‘F— the Police’ slogan wins Republican nomination for New Hampshire County Sheriff

Folks, it can’t get much worse than in some places – and the wrath of God will continue to be poured out during these pretribulation warnings!

“He who believes in the Son (of God) has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” John 3:36

President Trump to visit California to meet Emergency Services, as record-breaking fires kill 27

500,000 forced to evacuate

2 million acres burned in California, breaks all-time records

California is notably a liberal, evil state, killing babies, even after they are born alive; teaching explicit sex acts to little elementary school aged children; promoting transgenderism, even to the point where parental guidance has been outlawed!

California allows gay men to have sex with minors to avoid sex registry if judge agrees

God said He would burn those nations!

‘Unprecedented’ wildfires force evacuations throughout Oregon

Wasn’t it Oregon that passed legislation stating that 15-year-olds could receive free transgender surgery without parental consent? https://conservativefiringline.com/oregon-to-fund-sex-change-operations-for-15-year-old-children/

God said He would burn those nations!

These are a fulfillment of four prophecies (see the Fires in the West prophecy: https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/07/19/7-19-19-update-fire-in-the-west/ ; the Record Fires prophecy: https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/07/01/7-1-19-update/ ; Fires Will Continue prophecy [dated 12/3/18]: https://nowprophecy.wordpress.com/signs-and-wonders-in-heaven-and-earth/; and the Swarms of Lightning prophecy: https://signswonders.home.blog/2019/04/04/4-4-19-update/)

Statement from Cal Fire:

August Lightning Siege of 2020

On August 17th, lightning strikes started hundreds of fires across Northern California. In the days since, over 1 million acres have burned. California is under a state of Emergency and all CAL FIRE resources are fully committed to battling these fires.

God said He would burn those nations!

“The Lord will cause His glorious voice to be heard and show the descent of His arm, with the indignation of His anger and the flame of devouring fire, with scattering tempest and hailstones” Isaiah 30:30 NKJV

“Your country is desolate; your cities are burned with fire; strangers devour your land in your presence and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers” Isaiah 1:7

“The voice of Your thunder was in the whirlwind; the lightnings lit up the world; the earth trembled and shook” Psalm 77:18

‘We hope they die’ BLM rioters block ER entrance after officers shot, try to break into hospital

Trump calls for death penalty for ‘Animal’ who ambushed deputies in LA

Muhammad Ali’s son makes head turning statement about Black Lives Matters (BLM)

This is a fulfillment of last days Bible prophecy

“Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom (original Greek transliteration – ethnos eppa ethnos – ethnic groups against ethnic groups, as in whites against blacks; basileia eppa basileia – religion against religion, as in Muslims against Christians), and there will be famines, pestilences (like coronavirus) and earthquakes in diverse places” Matthew 24:7 (ET – Elim אֵילִם Translation)

Massive sandstorm engulfs Ankara, Turkey


1 RUSSIA 9-15-20

Screen shot: USGS

A major 6.5 magnitude earthquake hit the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, on September 15, 2020, at 03:41:26 UTC, at a depth of 328 km, reported Geoscience Australia.

1 RUSSIA - 9-15-20

Screen shot: Geoscience Australia

2 FIJI ISLANDS 9-15-20

Screen shot: USGS

A major 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit Fiji on September 15, 2020, at 04:12:17.1 UTC, at a depth of 10 km, reported CSEM-EMSC.

2 FIJI ISLANDS - 9-15-20

Screen shot: CSEM-EMSC

1,351 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 2,750 days. Among these were 138 7.0+ and 14 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: CSEM-EMSC; Geoscience Australia; USGS; National Weather Service [NWS]; NWS National Tsunami Warning Service; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center [PTWC]; NOAA/United States Tsunami Warning System [NOAA/USTWS]; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University; BMKG [Indonesia]; Japan Meteorological Agency [JMA])


1-19 earthquakes

 Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns,

“Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; the Star of Bethlehem and the Virgo and Leo lineup of stars over Jerusalem on September 23, 2017) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth (Revelation 20:12-15)? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *