Tag: President Bashar al-Assad

US-Backed Syrian Rebels Tied to Bilderbergs

Screen shots: YouTube.com


It is no secret that in addition to taking down Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, leaving Islamic State terrorists to take over, and taking Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak down, leaving Muslim Brotherhood terrorists to rule (until a coup d’etat took Mohamed Morsi down), stealthy jihadi Barack Hussein Obama announced he also wanted Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad to step down. While he fraudulently remained “President” of the United States (he was not a US citizen), he worked to take out Assad.

With a history of killing Gaddafi, while leaving Libya to Islamic State terrorists (ISIS); stirring up the Arab Spring and taking down Mubarak, which left Muslim Brotherhood terrorists in power; tossing US Ambassador Christopher Stevens “under the bus” in Benghazi, as Stevens made many calls for security before the attack, and for rescue during the attack, everyone in the world should already know what a treasonous fraud Barack Hussein Obama is. (JimMarrs.com reported on the real reason Ambassador Christopher Stevens was murdered in Benghazi. Stevens had knowledge of the Obama-backed gunrunning to terrorists in Benghazi and Obama wanted him taken out.)

Screen shot: YouTube.com – Ambassador Christopher Stevens brutally sodomized and killed by Muslim terrorists (filthy vile dogs) in Benghazi, with Obama and Hillary’s blessings!

Anyone who backs Obama and Hillary is either very ignorant, or guilty by association.

Charlie Skelton, writing for The Guardian, detailed names associated with the Bilderberg Group who are constantly speaking out against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad; such as Bassma Kodmani, a top leader in the Syrian National Council, a front for factions like Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, who has also attended Bilderberg meetings. Skelton named those who are constantly speaking out against President Bashar al-Assad, who are also backed by George Soros. Some have even been caught propagating lies against Assad in order to take him down.

The lineup against Assad, who is a defender of Christians in Syria, includes Black Operatives working to push their agenda, primarily for gain on their end; and the Arabs, who are oil rich and have paid out tons of money to take out Christians and conservatives. Assad is considered a very conservative Muslim. In fact, Muslim terrorists don’t even consider Assad a Muslim; he isn’t a vicious killer, as they are.

Does this sound like another Libya and Egypt situation? It sure does, and trust me when I tell you those involved already have a Muslim terrorist lined up to take Assad’s place!

Don’t believe me? Just remember what happened when Mubarak and Gaddafi were taken out – gratis Muslim terrorists – courtesy of stealthy jihadi, fake president, Barack Hussein Obama!

As I have said before, the likes of these would sell their mothers for a buck!

We certainly have been given a period of rest here in America with President Trump in office. I can’t imagine what the atmosphere would be like with Hillary in office. God help us! He did!

We aren’t out of the woods though. The stealthy Black Ops working around President Trump have blindsided him to the truth about Assad. Assad is no angel, but he is not guilty of many things he has been accused of. I pray for his safety, and the safety of his family and the Syrian government forces, because they have protected Christians in Syria.

Think about it. Before Obama-backed ISIS and Syrian “rebels” (terrorists) came along, Christians were not, I say NOT being slaughtered in Syria!

The point is that if Black Ops can blindside Trump about Assad, we have to consider what other deceptions they have laid out for him, and pray God will not allow him to be further deceived.

Eventually, according to Bible prophecy, the Islamic Caliphate (antichrist kingdom) will gain control. That’s exactly why it is vitally important to be ready for the Christians’ “great escape” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).

Check this out, demographics even align with Bible prophecy:

Screen shot: YouTube.com – This is for real!

Screen shot: YouTube.com – There are many reasons they hate us. What can I say, we are blessed, perhaps because we don’t behead our family members when they mess up. Our God forgives when we repent!

It behooves us not to think that because Trump is in office, the Lord’s return will be far off. The Word of God tells us,

“When they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction shall come upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape” 1 Thessalonians 5:3.

On November 27, 2011, the angel of the Lord told me, “With the sleight of hand, the nations will be turned upside down.” God sent this Word of warning to me through His angelic messenger, so I could warn others. I posted it on the Prophecy page shortly thereafter.

Jesus Himself said,

“As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be; for as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of man (Jesus) be” Matthew 24:37-39.

In other words, the Lord will come for His saints on a seemingly “average” kind of day, and that day isn’t far off, according to Bible prophecy!

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

US Navy Shoots Down Syrian Fighter Jet – With Consequences

Notice all of the US made trucks being driven by ISIS, courtesy of Barack Obama, their stealthy jihadi cohort!


A US Navy fighter shot down a Syrian jet after it attacked rebel forces backed by the US on Sunday.

Barack Obama funded and supplied Islamic State fighters and Syrian rebels, many who allied with the Islamic State, and it seems that, in spite of appointing a new Secretary of Defense, James “Mad Dog” Mattis, our military forces are continuing with the same Obama-support-terrorism policies!

After the Syrian fighter was shot down, Ron Paul asked publicly,

“Why are we attacking the Syrians who are fighting ISIS?”

Ron Paul is right, and I have been asking that question publicly too for a long time.

President Trump, with all of his good intentions, is obviously not a military man, nor is he a military strategist. He certainly has excellent goals for the country and, for all appearances, it seemed he made a good selection in Mattis; but apparently NOT!

Trump relies heavily on the expertise of top military brass to strategize our positions and actions militarily, and he relies on their recommendations for engagement.

It seems the still-in-place stealthy jihadi Obama era policies are continuing and they are causing some fallout. After the US downed a Syrian fighter, Russian President Vladimir Putin shut off his military hotline and announced they will view all unidentified aircraft operating in the area of Russian aircraft as potential targets.

Breaking: Putin’s forces may have also killed the Islamic State leader, vicious Abu Bakr Al-Bagdhdadi, and up to 30 ISIS commanders and hundreds of fighters. While Russia is killing the leader of ISIS and bombing up to 30 commanders, the US is trying to take down the defender of Christians in Syria!

Not only are our good men, top military specialists, still falling in the Middle East from this unending war during Trump’s first six months, but now our Air Force fighters stand to get targeted by the Russians! …and for what reason? Let’s review that once again,

…So the US can aid and abet the Islamic State terrorists and Syrian rebels, many of whom are aligned with the Islamic State, by decimating Syrian forces and taking down Syrian President Bashar al-Assad; the same Syrian leadership that has been fighting to pulverize the Islamic State and has actually defended Christians from Islamic persecutions!

Something is terribly wrong with this scenario. We can expect that President Trump would see the despicable crime of Obama’s pro-Islamic terrorism policies, and command a major turn of events in the Middle East, but the fact is, he hasn’t!

President Trump criticized Obama for doing the same things he is now allowing to continue within our military operations. This boils down to one of two possibilities:

  • Either Trump and Mattis are being persuaded by the pro-Islamic Caliphate imps that Obama placed in command during his complete overhaul of our forces, or
  • Trump has had an underlying agenda, despite what he preached about demolishing ISIS during his campaign.

I am hoping for the former, because President Trump has already taken many steps to reverse Obama’s destructive policies and Executive Orders, and I do believe he is sincere.

We need to pray for our President, of course, and his administration. We need to pray that Trump will again overhaul our military forces to weed out the stealthy Muslim terrorists Obama placed in position during his administration to bring the Islamic Caliphate to America.

The Word of God tells us,

“The wicked have drawn out the sword and have bent their bow to cast down the poor and needy and to slay such as be of upright conversation. Their sword shall enter into their own heart and their bows shall be broken” Psalms 37:14-15.

Syrian Christians have publicly expressed their gratitude for President Bashar al-Assad’s protection against the Islamic State, and other radical Muslim terrorists that have tried to kill and oppress them.

On the other hand, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled and the Prophet Isaiah wrote:

“The burden of Damascus: Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city and it shall be a ruinous heap” Isaiah 17:1.

God knew what the Obama and Trump administrations would do since the beginning of time, thus, Isaiah’s prophecy…

That’s not all, this war will culminate to an attack against Jerusalem and the betrayal of Israel by all nations:

“Behold, the Day of the Lord comes and your spoil shall be divided in the midst of you, for I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled and the women ravished, and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city” Zechariah 14:1-2.

We can understand this prophecy is not far off, by observing many other signs and prophecies which have already been fulfilled in our generation.

By the way, the reason that only “half of the city” (of Jerusalem) will be taken by the enemy, as described above, is because we are told later in Zechariah 14, that the Lord will return to defend Jerusalem and not allow the enemy to besiege it entirely, or take it down – ever!

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

Islamic State – Syrian Rebels Still Martyring Christian Children

Screen shot: YouTube.com


In that the Luciferian media generally do not publish news about the Christian genocide still taking place in Syria and Iraq, you might have thought the slaughter has ended. Not so!

I received an email recently from Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), to advise that “Christians are being exterminated at a horrific pace. It’s expanding.”

Major news sources did report that ISIS jihadists (terrorists) bombed two churches on Palm Sunday in Egypt, killing dozens of Christians.

Albeit, they DID NOT report that Muslim terrorists are crucifying Christian children in Syria! NO, not Bashar al-Assad, who is a conservative Alawite Muslim and who has always been at peace with Christians in Syria. The Christian children being crucified, beheaded and buried alive are being slaughtered by the Islamic State and Syrian rebels, many of whom have pledged their allegiance to the Islamic State. Mainstream media will report an occasional suicide bomber and casualties, especially if the casualties are many, but they will not report the heinous slaughter of Christian children and the ongoing genocide of Christians. Why do you suppose that is?

The Luciferians have a depopulation agenda going on, which especially targets Christians, and if the populations are aware of the real genocide, they might do something about it!

When were Christians, or their children, ever tortured and killed in Syria before the Islamic State invaded Syria and the “rebels” joined them? NEVER! Bashar al-Assad has never tortured and crucified Christians and their children. The Syrian Christians attest to this fact.

Tragically, President Donald Trump has Muslim terrorist sympathizers surrounding him from the Luciferian globalist faction, which he needs to boot out of his administration!

He is certainly headed in the right direction after firing DC pedophile sympathizer James Comey from the FBI!

In Iraq, Muslim terrorists are burning Christian girls ALIVE! They have thrown about 250 children into a dough mixer; they have beheaded children in front of their parents!

Jay Sekulow wrote that 66 percent of Syria’s Christians have been decimated, and 82 percent of Iraq’s Christians have been destroyed, or displaced.

Sekulow and his team are working hard to defend Christians facing genocide and they are “demanding a change in US policy to defend Christians.”

Please visit the ACLJ websites for updates and to support the cause.

Jesus said concerning Christians living in the last days,

“They shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you, and you shall be hated of all nations for My name’s sake” Matthew 24:9.

The Apostle Paul wrote to a young minister, Timothy,

“Yes, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” 2 Timothy 3:12.

What, you are a Christian, but you aren’t suffering persecution? Perhaps you need to come out of the closet.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

59 Tomahawk Missiles Dropped On Syria

Screen shot: YouTube.com

Screen shot: YouTube.com


At $1.5 million for each missile, the cost is estimated at about $88.5 million in weapons fired against Assad’s air force, without any hard evidence that Assad attacked terrorist-rebels with chemical weapons.

Actually, if Assad were to have attacked the “rebels,” a nice word for those who have helped the Islamic State butcher, behead, bury alive, burn alive, drown in cages, rape and sodomize dissenters and Christians for years, if Assad dropped chemical weapons on these, that is a justified act of war, an act of self defense against walking beasts.

Some cry foul because their children died with them (terrorists). That indeed is tragic, but during which war in the history of the world did Americans, or any other nation, march through cities and towns and separate children from the adult enemies and then drop bombs?

It is very tragic, but in many cases children have died with their parents during war. It is still heartbreaking, but these particular children are raised to hate Jews and Christians and they are actually taught to slaughter them in the cruelest ways, not when they grow up into adulthood, but even as children! I’m not saying these children deserve to die, not at all, but the fact that they went down with their parents actually saves the lives of innocent people in the future. These are just the facts.

Bashar al-Assad is no angel, but he was at peace with Christians in his country and he was known to protect them, unlike the butchering Islamic State and “rebels,” which are nothing but vile terrorists and have vowed allegiance to ISIS. These have been given the name “rebels” by the likes of Muslim terrorist-loving Barack Obama and John McCain.

Americans need to ask themselves why Obama and McCain are cohesive with such terrorists in Syria, providing them with weapons, while not lifting a finger, or a voice, to defend slaughtered Christians in the region; and now we need to ask ourselves why President Trump is defending these terrorist-rebels and why he fails to understand there is no comparison between the likes of these vicious terrorists and Bashar al-Assad, who is a teddy bear in comparison.

If you really want to know who Bashar al-Assad is, please watch the following video. Those who oppose Assad in Syria are TERRORISTS, BARBARIANS and move in the spirit of antichrist with vicious fury to destroy not only non-Muslims in Syria, but they are out to DESTROY YOU TOO!

I don’t believe Assad used chemical weapons on these relatively few terrorist-rebels (about 100), because he has had plenty of opportunity to use chemical weapons on the Islamic State, many more than those recently hit, but he didn’t.

During the last chemical attack, when Obama and the globalists blamed Assad, there were Christians living in Syria, who were also “in the know” about who actually used the chemical weapons against citizens. They declared emphatically that Assad did not use the chemical weapons, but the terrorist-rebels used them. It isn’t beyond these “suicide-bombing” terrorists to even attack their own people with chemical weapons, if it will bring Assad down, so they can fully establish their Islamic terror state.

Assad is hated by Muslim terrorists because he doesn’t butcher Christians and other non-Muslims.

Whose side should we be on?

If we consider what the state of Syria was like before the invasion of ISIS, and the terrorist-rebels who are actually in alliance with ISIS, was it not a relatively peaceful nation and heads were not rolling, correct? What changed things? Why all the vicious atrocities against Christians and other non-Muslims now? It was NOT ASSAD’S doing! The horror started when the Islamic State invaded Syria and many “rebels” have joined ISIS. So, what is likely to happen if Assad is taken down by Trump? BEHEADINGS, BURYING ALIVE, DROWNINGS, BURNING ALIVE, CRUCIFIXIONS, ETC…!

Why didn’t Obama, and now why hasn’t President Trump threatened to do anything about all of the barbaric killings by ISIS and the Syrian “rebels?” Why now all of a sudden is Assad accused of chemical weapons attacks and the Trump administration threatens to take him out? This is absurd and it doesn’t make any sense, unless President Trump is being deceived by the Luciferian globalists in his own administration.

Something is terribly wrong with President Trump bombing Syria and we need to pray that the truth is revealed. To defeat Assad is to place blessings on Islamic State terrorists!

Our military is webbed with Muslim terrorist sympathizers since Obama’s fraudulent “presidency.” Trump might have even been misled by advisers within our own military forces. 

We need to pray for our president and for God’s hand of mercy upon him, because there are strong factions throughout this nation that want a Liberal-Socialist-Marxist-Leninist-Communist Luciferian regime, instead of a free nation. They have also aligned themselves with Muslim terrorist organizations, which can only be described as satanic.

The Prophet Daniel foretold that the world would be divided during the latter days, and that is exactly what we are seeing right now. Our nation is divided, and the world’s nations are also divided. He described end time’s nations (depicted as feet on a statue) as being part strong, like iron, and part clay, weak:

“Whereas you saw the feet and toes, part of potter’s clay and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided, but there shall be in it the strength of the iron, for as much as you saw iron mixed with miry clay; and as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men (the spirits of nephilim with humans), but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay” Daniel 2:41-43.

The nations are creating cyborgs, humanoids, and they are splicing human DNA with that of animals. There is also talk of man’s communications with aliens, and historical artifacts indicate this has already happened. Moreover, the Word of God tells us that giants (nephilim – original Hebrew) populated the earth, which were the offspring of fallen angels and human women (Genesis 6). History is repeating itself (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

This prophecy should be a warning sign of just how close we are to the return of the Lord, for the Word of God also tells us,

“As the days of Noah were (Genesis 6), so shall also the coming of the Son of man (Jesus) be” Matthew 24:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

ISIS Women With ‘Iron Teeth’


Screen shot: YouTube.com


Daily Star reported on Wednesday that ISIS has unleashed a women’s jihadi “biting brigade” armed with a “metal jaws” device to tear women to pieces. The women’s brigade police other women and girls and if they break any of the strict Islamic State laws, they will be torn to pieces.

Al-Khansa is a female jihadi group, who are now armed with large “metal jaws” with sharp iron teeth that are also laced with poison.

A woman spoke anonymously to Russian news Sputnik in Iraq about a 10-year-old girl who walked across the threshold of her home briefly while cleaning, without an escort, which is illegal in Iraq. The Hisbah (morality police) gave the girl’s mother the option to choose which one of them would receive the punishment of “being bitten,” her, or her daughter.

Believing the punishment would be a “bite on the hand,” the mother said her daughter could receive the punishment. The ISIS women, however, produced a huge metal biting device with iron teeth and poison on the teeth. The iron teeth tore the child’s flesh so badly, she bled to death even before the poison could kill her.

This recent story of Islamic State terrorism against a poor innocent child with “iron teeth” reminds me of a prophecy Daniel gave:

“I saw in the night visions and, behold, a fourth beast (referring to a fourth empire, following his description of three previous empires), dreadful and terrible and exceedingly strong, and it had great IRON TEETH; it devoured and broke in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it, and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns” Daniel 7:7 (emphasis added).

In Bible prophecy, the ten horns refer to leaders of nations (Revelation 17:12). These ten horns (kings/leaders) will receive power as kings for one hour with the antichrist during the great tribulation of the latter days.

The fourth beast (empire) which Daniel spoke of (Daniel 7:7), with iron teeth that devoured and broke in pieces is, I believe, the Islamic State. I also believe it is a sign of the last days that this women’s brigade use “iron teeth” to tear apart women and little girls who violate ISIS laws. It is a sign that these represent the very beast that is terrible, breaks in pieces and devours, just as Daniel described.

As much as President Donald Trump wants to destroy the antichrist kingdom, having come up out of Syria and Iraq, just as the Word of God tells us it would (Isaiah 10:5; Isaiah 10:24; Isaiah 30:31 – Assyria being modern day Syria and Iraq), the antichrist will survive and devour, until the Lord crushes him on His holy mountains (Isaiah 14:25).

President Donald Trump is fighting right now to place a temporary ban on immigrants coming into the US from seven Middle Eastern Muslim nations that host and support terrorism, but the Liberal-Socialist-Marxist-Leninist-Communists are fighting against it. A federal judge ordered a stay on President Trump’s immigration ban.

In the meantime, ISIS is still beheading, burying people alive, burning people alive, raping women and children, drowning people alive in cages, committing Christian genocide in all of these vicious and despicable ways, and now their women’s brigade is tearing up women and children with iron teeth for small infractions, like stepping off of their porches alone, in Iraq, one of the seven nations President Trump issued a temporary ban on immigration to the US.

President Bashar al-Assad, who is fighting the Islamic State in Syria, issued a statement saying that terrorists are likely entering the US from Syria because of the judge’s stay on President Trump’s immigration ban. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the stay on Thursday.

Why would any judge in the US, or masses of Democrats, want to halt President Trump’s immigration ban from Muslim terrorist countries?

The Word of God tells us,

“Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom you obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Romans 6:16.

Simply put, those who do not serve the Lord are servants of satan by default; they are fulfilling the will of satan and they may not even know why they are doing the things they do.

Oh Lord, if anyone is going to be blown up by Muslim terrorists coming from these terrorist nations, let it not be those, or the families of those, who support President Trump’s ban to protect their families; may it rather be the judges and Democrats who support open borders and insist that Muslim terrorists be allowed into our country to blow us up. Amen.

Perhaps then they might wake up!

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap” Galatians 6:7.

In other words, those who love the iron teeth of the Assyrian, let him and his cohorts alone be torn up and blown to pieces by the same! May we, who want them out of the United States, be protected.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.